According to analyses of the budget undertaken by different public policy organizations:
No. 1: The Obama budget raises the top income tax bracket to 39.6 percent from 35 percent and takes the 33 percent bracket to 36 percent.
No. 2: These new rates will depress economic activity even further, producing less revenue than the budget writers expect it to. Supporters of the increased rates claim the new rates only hurt the rich.
No. 3: The budget also presumes the death tax will — after it reaches zero in 2010 — go back on the books at a top rate of 45 percent and a $3.5 million exemption because Congress failed to make its elimination permanent.
No. 4: The double-taxation of international corporate profits will be made even worse
No. 5: The Obama budget raises the capital gains and dividends tax for upper-income earners from 15 percent to 20 percent.
No. 6: The Obama budget also contemplates a “cap and trade” system ..... And every American family will have to pay these new taxes, as well as the other increased taxes on energy contained within the budget.
.............Regardless of what was promised or claimed during the presidential campaign it is now clear that Obama meant what he said when he promised to “spread the wealth around.”
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No. 1: The Obama budget raises the top income tax bracket to 39.6 percent from 35 percent and takes the 33 percent bracket to 36 percent.
No. 2: These new rates will depress economic activity even further, producing less revenue than the budget writers expect it to. Supporters of the increased rates claim the new rates only hurt the rich.
No. 3: The budget also presumes the death tax will — after it reaches zero in 2010 — go back on the books at a top rate of 45 percent and a $3.5 million exemption because Congress failed to make its elimination permanent.
No. 4: The double-taxation of international corporate profits will be made even worse
No. 5: The Obama budget raises the capital gains and dividends tax for upper-income earners from 15 percent to 20 percent.
No. 6: The Obama budget also contemplates a “cap and trade” system ..... And every American family will have to pay these new taxes, as well as the other increased taxes on energy contained within the budget.
.............Regardless of what was promised or claimed during the presidential campaign it is now clear that Obama meant what he said when he promised to “spread the wealth around.”
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