So do tell how it can be done right, and how it was done right by FORCING people at the end of whip and gun to servitude, and splitting families apart? If God said what He hath joined together let not man put asunder, then what justified slave owners splitting apart married couples? On what basis do you use any Biblical process to determine how you select those slaves?
Indentured servants were completely different from forced slavery. Yet even indentured servitude was abused where the debts in which the servant supposedly owned was manipulated to justify legal compliance.
My, haven't you bought into the typical liberal media spiel of mistreatment of all slaves.
Here is a bit of historical facts that you might have missed about slavery in America
Historically the vast majority of slaves in the new world colonies were treated better than the indentured servant.
For instance, would a slave owner risk a high dollar field hand, in which breeding would bring increased help, good health would realize the return on investment, and decent food and shelter would protect from harm? Would he risk that kind of investment to clear a field of stumps by blowing them out of the dirt with kegs of dynamite, lit by a short fuse? Would he risk that kind of investment on a person who if they became sick or lame would mean the lose of investment? Would he risk infection and heat stroke from mistreatment and withholding sustenance so that the investment would be placed in jeopardy?
Or would it be wiser to use a person who the next year or so was going to have to set free and given land, tools, and other items obliged by a contract of servitude?
If the death broke the contract of servitude, there was far less money at risk. The life of the indentured servant was expendable and more easily replaced.
One must also consider the indoor slave versus the field hand (they didn't necessarily get along). Most indoor slaves had a very close relationship with the owner(s) and most were trusted with a great deal of the oversight. Rarely would an indentured servant be given such a privilege.
Slavery in the American colonies was almost eliminated until Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Until then the farms were generally small and owners usually worked along side the field slaves and shared just about everything. There were many blacks that owned slaves.
Granted when "king cotton" drove the economy, the triangular trade route took on a whole new measure of greed and swindle. The testimony of John Newton is an example of the ungodly character of that time.
One final point on treatment of slaves. I am not ignoring that evil men and women did not do evil. However, there is a rather interesting account of how slaves and master got along before the Eli Whitney cotton gin.
Thomas Jefferson had a slave girl who traveled with him to France. While in France, she and others in the group had every right to leave Jefferson, but, of her own choice, she chose to stay with him, have his babies, and live with him as a slave and caretaker of the house. Upon his death, her children were given freedom and she was established in a home in the town for the rest of her life.
Very little is actually known about this girl (she was 15 when she went with the rest of the travelers that accompanied Jefferson to France), but she was never mistreated, and no person in Jefferson's family or friendship was ever allowed to speak evil of her.
Again, history changed when economics changed.
That is the same as the Hebrews in Egypt. When the Egyptians felt economically threatened because there were more Hebrews than Egyptians, slavery became ugly.