I am an active member of a denomination, parts of which regrettably practise it. There are equally liberal Baptist churches which approve of it.I don't think that is at all how you feel about same-sex marriage. The last I looked, you're an active member of a denomination that hallows it.
Then why would I have called it 'an abomination'?I've never seen a post of yours in which you rail against it and classify it as "hellish vileness." On the contrary, you seem bound and determined to mitigate the offense.
But it hasn't 'hallowed sodomy; certain renegade elements of it have.I have the distinct impression that had your denomination condemned interracial marriage in the same manner that it now hallows sodomy, you'd have left it immediately.
The point? The indignation against this church isn't at all based on biblical morality, but on man's infernal political correctness.[/quote] No, it's based on the Gospel.