These are all very good questions that should be answered to judge credibility of story. You forgot to mention the owner is admittedly a repub.
You made several errors, however. The Bid:n campaign first stated no such meeting occurred, but changed the denial the next day saying there may have been a brief meeting. They do not deny the info is accurate. All we need is H:nter to issue a statement saying it’s not him, or FBI saying the info is not credible, which is why it’s not acted on.
The owner claims the laptop was dropped off in April 2019 for repairs, and was never picked up. I don’t know the law, but it seems if property is abandoned for some length of time ownership is transferred to the person with the unpaid repair bill. It was at that point the contents were examined and the info was discovered and the hard drive copied, and given to the FBI in December 2019.
The report is the man tried for several months this year to contact someone in repub leadership with this because he saw no response from FBI. Finally, the info ended up with R:dy in September; not months and months ago, but about a month.
There is no doubt the timing is an “October Surprise”, and there many questions that need to be asked, but if this story is true, B:den is severely compromised.
peace to you