Oh, you're right. As a conservative, with mostly conservative friends, in the last 8 years I use snopes more for pointing out those over the top attacks on Obama.
Well, that and every time I see a Facebook post claiming that every single term congressperson gets their full salary for life I want to scream.
Yes, yes!
Here's one of my first posts (THE first post?) to Baptist Board. This was my copy-and-paste email I'd send to people when they'd send me the latest terrible, gauche thing that Obama had done. (The last 10 or 12 items have been added to the list since I posted it here) I'm sure you recognize quite a few of them.:
Let's review, shall we?:
Obama doesn't put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.
Obama doesn't wear a flag pin.
Obama didn't fly the American flag at the Port Au Prince airport after the earthquake.
Chinese flag to be hoisted at the White House on September 20, 2009.
Obama doesn't attend or address Tea Party rallies.
No one who attended Columbia in the early 1980's remembers Obama attending there.
Obama gave Britain's Prime Minister a set of classic American movie DVD's.
Obama removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.
Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is a fake.
Michelle Obama didn't visit Saudi Arabia with Barack Obama because of sharia law.
Michelle Obama had a $447.80 dinner at the Waldorf Astoria.
Obama's campaign jet had the image of the U.S. flag removed during a makeover.
Obama was a U.S. CIA spy and gunrunner in Pakistan in the early 1980's.
Obama provided funding for Hamas terrorists to immigrate to the U.S. from Gaza.
Michelle Obama has over 30 personal assistants at the White House; Laura Bush had only one..
While military leaders salute at Arlington Nat'l cemetery, Obama has hands clasped at waist.
Obama had a duplicate swearing in for President where he used the Quran.
Obama said his uncle helped liberate Auscwhiz.
Russian leaders refuse to shake Obama's hand at a diplomatic function.
Barack Obama puts his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office.
Obama’s White House asked Georgetown Univ. to remove Christian symbol.
Obama always uses a teleprompter, even when addressing kindergarten children.
Obama didn't visit Ft. Hood after the terrible shootings.
Michelle Obama served soup to a "poor" person who owned an iPhone.
Chrysler dealerships owned by Republican donors were targeted for closure by Obama.
Obama has directed the issuance of a U.S. postage stamp commemorating Islamic holidays.
Obama has decreed that Christmas trees be henceforth called Holiday trees.
Two Muslims hold important positions at the Dept. of Homeland Security.
Muslims held a prayer service at the U.S. Capitol--Obama didn't stop it from happening.
Obama does not sign Eagle Certificates for the Boy Scouts of America.
Obama didn’t speak at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, instead he went to Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery outside Chicago.
Obama didn’t have American flags behind him at a press conference.
Obama read a book written by a Muslim titled “The Post American World.”
Nancy Pelosi procured a "fat cat" military plane rather than use a smaller plane previously used by Speaker of the House.
Pelosi gave cronies in the American Samoa tax breaks.
Pelosi could not answer a question about which voyage around the world was Captain Cook's last.
The USPS has designed another special Muslim stamp to honor their EID holiday.
Obama denied a request for a military flyover at an Idaho “God and Country” rally.
Obama wasn’t wearing his wedding ring or his watch during Ramadan. This proves he’s a Muslim.
Obama sends out form letters to families of deceased military personnel that is signed by an auto-signature machine.
Michelle Obama waved the communist flag on her trip to China in March 2014.
There are no photos of President Obama waving the flag.
When leaving the White House helicopter, Obama made a clumsy salute with a cup of coffee in his hand.
This is called losing focus and getting distracted. All this stuff is trivial crap. I have to believe that Pelosi, Reid, Obama, et al. are ecstatic that the right wing is getting bogged down in this when the real damage is that the Dems are running up our national debt at an alarming and unprecedented rate by creating more and more government programs and taxing us more and more. THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE! Don't get distracted by silly email hoaxes.