RevMitchell, you and I agree more than you realize!
Obviously, presented with a dead body that is resurrected three days later GOOD science would conclude resurrection is not only possible but observable. Only JUNK science would discard the data. God did NOT ask people to "just have faith Jesus rose." Rather, Jesus appeared to many and provided Thomas with empirical evidence. That should lead science to question why it was observed once, but is not regularly occurring. Science will tell the unbeliever Jesus was unique. Theology then can come in to explain "the rest of the story."
In the same way, IF (and this is a huge if, bear in mind) science were to present us with undeniable proof that the earth is billions of years old, that would not disprove Genesis but rather only disprove faulty understandings of Genesis.
Miracles are miracles BECAUSE they are suspensions of the laws of nature. No laws of nature=no miracles.
We don't have to be afraid of science--only of false science. False science would tell me the universe "just happened."
It is entirely possible to accept Genesis and not be young earth creationist.
This is a false dichotomy being set up: EITHER you accept science or the Bible.
The truth is many of us accept both.
Just as I believe the Bible teaches God looks on the motives an intents of the heart, and science tells me a heart surgeon deals with the physically beating organ located in the chest, I believe Genesis tells me of a real Creator who created a real physical universe, this planet, and put two specific people--Adam and Eve--upon it. But nowhere does it specify an exact date for doing that. We can guess from geneologies, but the careful student will note they are sometimes compressed. So we know for sure God did it, just not how and when.
I am more in the 6 to 15000 year arena as far as the date. But I do not get dogmatic on that issue. The Billions of years is claimed but not proven. Evolution is a theory not a proven fact. That goes for dating.
We do know how God did it He made it clear in Genesis. And what is clear is that is science conflicts with scripture then what has actually happened is that the scientific data has been misinterpreted.
The “data” are not overwhelmingly in favor of evolution. It is the interpretation of some of the observable data, based on naturalistic (i.e. anti-supernatural), uniformitarian assumptions, that gives the impression to the undiscerning that evolution is overwhelmingly proven to be scientific fact. In reality, the fossils, natural selection, and mutations stand absolutely opposed to the myth of molecules-to-man evolution. Rather, they stand powerfully in confirmation of the literal truth of Genesis that God created distinct kinds of plants and animals to reproduce “after their kinds” and that He created Adam literally from dust (not from a pre-existing ape-like creature) and Eve literally from the side of Adam.
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