Ruiz, I never said you're a social democrat. I am a social democrat and was pointing out that you keep attacking Marxism but ignore more mainstream views like social democracy which reject the materialist underpinnings of Marxism.
Well, we began talking about economic theory. There is not a "Social Democrat" economic theory. Normally, democrats hold to an Keynesian Economic theory that I have already referred to. I would not call Keynesianism compassionate, rather, I believe it does violate some Biblical principles, though I would not call it evil like I call Socialism/Communism.
As for governmental social theory, there are several major theories. Mine states that the most compassionate system is one where people directly give to others, not out of compulsion but out of compassion. I do not think you can separate the heart of the giver and the gift received. Doing such is not helpful for society and I believe regressive as I will illustrate below.
Some believe you can separate the heart of the giver and the gift given. Thus, they believe compassion is taking other's money to give to people regardless of their desires, wants, or areas they wish to support. Thus, if you don't believe planned parenthood should be supported, you are still forced to give to such an entity. If you don't believe a food relief program is efficient and helpful, you are still forced to support this failed program.
Kofi Annan said in the United Nations 10 years ago to the governments of the world, "We can solve all the world's problems." The Governments of the world believed it but now after 10 years, they realize that their government solutions were utter failures. They also realized that charities actually solved more problems with fewer resources. Now, Governments are trying to utilize charities to do what they failed to do. Few believe Kofi's remarks anymore, which is a great progress in my opinion because charities demonstrate love of people with volunteers and staff who care and with money from those who give compassionately. This is a greater solution to our problems than the Social Democrat Method of forced charity.
Thus, if I had to choose between a government solution or a private solution, I believe charities are better equipped to truly care for people.