Apparently you do not know the truth.Yes, the Canon of Scripture - duly compiled by the Bishops of the One Universal (Catholic) Christian Church. There was no other - just one - and that is the truth!
The Apocryphal books are not and never were part of the canon of Scripture. Let's consider some of the reasons why:
The fifteen Apocryphal books which the Roman Catholics have included in their Bibles, and use as a source of doctrine, come from a collection of about eighteen or more books written during the Inter-Testamental Period. This period of four hundred years began with God giving the last book of the Old Testament which was Malachi. The Inter-testamental period ended with the coming of Christ and the writing of the New Testament. During this four hundred years God sent no prophets to Israel and was silent giving no written revelation.
The word "apocrypha" means "of questionable authenticity." These are called non canonical books because when the canon of Scriptures (the sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments) was accepted by the early Christians they recognized that these books contained spurious material and therefore, were not inspired of God. Other names for these books are "hidden" or "deuterocanonical" books. These books are also called "pseudepigraphal", meaning "false writings" to designate them as spurious and unauthentic books of the late centuries B. C. and early centuries A. D. These books contain religious folklore and have never been considered inspired of God by the Jews or biblical Christians from the earliest times of churches.
Why do non-Catholic authorities and biblical churches reject the Apocrypha as being a part of the sixty six books of the canon?
There are mainly four reasons:
1. They abound in historical and geographical inaccuracies and anachronisms.
2. They teach doctrines, which are false and foster practices, which are at variance with inspired Scripture.
3. They resort to literary types and display an artificiality of subject matter and styling out of keeping with inspired Scripture.
4. They lack the distinctive elements which give genuine Scripture their divine character, such as prophetic power and poetic and religious feeling and biblical truth.
Why do biblical Christians and churches reject the Apocrypha as being inspired of God?:
1. These books existed before New Testament times, yet there is not one single quotation from the Apocrypha in the New Testament.
Jesus quoted from twenty-four of the Old Testament books, and the New Testament quotes from thirty four books of the Old Testament.
Introductory phrases like "it is written" or "thus says the Lord" are totally absent from the books and therefore, the books themselves do not claim to be inspired of God.
2. Although some of the early church fathers quoted from these writings, and even accepted them as inspired, this does not mean they were inspired.
3. The Jews are the ones who canonized the Books of the Old Testament and they did not include them. They have always excluded these Apocryphal books because the material in these books is heretical and contains gross doctrinal errors and clearly not inspired of God.
4. The stories in the Apocryphal books are extra biblical, fanciful and clearly pure fiction. For example the story of Bel and the Dragon is clearly a fairy tale. The tale says that a pagan priest of Bel tried to deceive Daniel by using a trap door to consume food left for the idol Bel.
5. Some of the teachings in these books are colored and some are immoral. In Judith 9:10,13, it says that God, assisted Judith in the telling of lies. The Apocryphal books of Ecclesiasticus and Wisdom teach that morality is based on expedience. In other words, according to these books it is right to sin in some situations.
No true Bible believing church as has ever accepted the books as canonical or inspired of God for these reasons. In order for a book to be considered inspired of God and included in the canon it must satisfy the follow requirements.
1. It must have been written by a prophet of God. None of the Apocryphal books claim they were.
2. It must come with the authority of God. These spurious books are strikingly absent of the ring of authority. None of them come up to or compare in any way to the character and quality of the sixty six Books of the Bible.
3. It must demonstrate that the power of God rests on the book. There is nothing transforming about these books.
4. It must tell the truth about God, man, history, science, etc. The books are full of contradictions, gross errors and even heresies. The Apocryphal books are full of untruth.
5. It must be accepted by biblical Christians as inspired of God. The Apocryphal books completely fail this final and fatal test.