It always meant "Universal'; Jesus inteded for His One True Church to be 'universal'.
Christ's only Church has always been a One Holy Catholic/ Universal & Apostolic Church. Every Church today comes out of Christ through Apostolic Succession. The litmus test- If a church can not be traced back to Jesus and His Apostles then that church isn't from Christ but from a mere man or woman.
As I said, I dont deny the etymology of the term. The question is in what sense or application is something "universal."
When it was applied to a specific geographical congregation it cannot honestly mean that this particular congregation was univerally distributed geographically because it is contextually located "AT" specific given locality.
When it was applied to the "epistles" it cannot honestly mean they were universal in regard to their essense because they were confined to the print on a page. They may be designed for univesal distribution but that speaks to their intended application instead of their essential nature.
When other dissenting congregations outside the pale of Roman congregations claimed to be the true "catholic" congregation of Christ it cannot mean they were equally universal in geographical distribution as that is not factually true of either.
The true applied meaning of "catholic" in its earliest use was in response to the Jewish congregations or synonogues who restricted their membership of one ethnic people whereas the congregations of Christ were "catholic" in that regards or inclusive of all ethnic people, all classes of people and all genders in keeping with a catholic commission "all nations."
When it was used in contrast to another competing type of congregation it is a claim of "universal" recognition as the true apostolic church in origin.
Rome finally claimed it as a denominational title.