You can't see yourself. You are doing and acting exactly how you have been accusing me.
This thread is not about you or me but about Romans 7:14 and its contextual application.
Your theory depends upon taking Biblical terms out of the Biblical context and fabricating your own context to make them mean something impossible if left in their Biblical context.
Your theory depends upon ignoring the dual use of the personal pronoun "I" but replacing it with your own terminologies "the man" "himself" etc.
Your theory depends upon ignoring the contextual identification of the "I" in verse 14 with verses 15-18 where it is explicitly is the restricted "I" of "the flesh" which is "sold under sin" as it serves the law of Sin and there is "NOTHING GOOD" and yet it controls the power of the will over the opposite restricted "I" of the "inward man" who is not sold under sin, who does not serve the law of sin, and always chooses "good" even though it is powerless to overule indwelling sin thus producing frustration in a man who always sins in this condition.
You don't want to deal with issues because you can't and so you attack the person of the messenger.
I get it. I understand your argument. And I reject it.
Again, you would have to believe that Paul was an absolute failure as Christian if your view is true.
I don't believe Paul or any of the apostles were sinning constantly. I believe they were very holy men who obeyed God most of the time. Did they slip up and sin at times? Of course. But your interpretation of this passage would make Paul to be a continuous sinner with no victory whatsoever over sin.
I reject your view, as have many dozens if not hundreds of serious scholars through the centuries. Not one of the early church fathers until Augustine held your view, not one.
Of course, you MUST hold to your view, because Calvinism depends on it. You are not interested in maintaining the truth of scripture, you are interested in maintaining Calvinism at any cost.