I've been thinking for some time that when it starts to look like jail time is coming for some of these guys they will start singing on one another, in fact, I think that now because of their fear the heat might be getting turned up (think William Barr) it might be fun to highlight these events in a thread as they occur.
I'll start with a most recent observation:
Ole Rod said a while back he was just joking about secretly recording the President to try and frame up a 25th Amendment removal but now Ole Andy is saying he was serious, he was taking a vote of this movement and suggesting he wouldn't get caught wearing a device.
I'll start with a most recent observation:
Ole Rod said a while back he was just joking about secretly recording the President to try and frame up a 25th Amendment removal but now Ole Andy is saying he was serious, he was taking a vote of this movement and suggesting he wouldn't get caught wearing a device.