Ah, so that would be why all Christians believe the same things, then?
We do with the basics. I don't think there is a real christian who denies any of these statements:
God created the heavens and the earth
God is a trinity
God is a first mover, or the first efficient cause. (I had to put a plug in for Greek and mideval thought)
God is immutable
This being true we believe that Jesus is God which doesn't change any of the above
Jesus is the second person of the trinity where as Holy Spirit is third person of the trinity.
That Jesus is eternally begotton of the Father. ( a referrence to Nicea) In otherwords Jesus was not made and is eternally existant with the Father and always coming from the Father. Because of God's immutability Jesus is homoosious with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
That the Holy Spirit is proceeding from the father and the son ( I had to enter the filioque to get Agnus Dei up in airs and we could watch Lori4dogs and he go at it) You can actually leave out this statement since there are differing views with regard to this aspect of the Holy Spirit. Therefore its not really a basic thing. But fun to mention just to see what he says. Kind of like putting in terms from Greek and mideival thought with terms like first mover might and how it might affect people not familiar with them.
That Jesus became man yet was still devine.
That Jesus was born of the virgin Mary
That Jesus under both Roman and Jewish decision suffered, crucified, and died
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and later ascended into heaven.
All Christians believe he will come back to Judge the living and the dead.
For those found in him will be saved, those not are condemned already
The bible IS THE authoritative word of God.
There are no further revelations of God. I hope you understand what I mean when I say this.
I think those are the basics that every true christian believes.