Ray Berrian
New Member
While it is true that human beings are depraved and defiled with an Adamic nature, it is also true that not everyone is about to explode and go do some heinous crime.
God lights each human being with the light of His Being [John 1:9] so that we are not only born in the Image of God, [James 3:9] we have a conscience that knows right from wrong. We are told not to curse another human being because we are of such an intrinsic value that God forbids that we do this.
Notice you never have to prove to a small child that Jesus is their Friend. They intuitively now this. It is only as the years pass that the sinner begins to destroy his or her conscience. This is not the fault of the Lord but of the human being.
So with being enlightened since birth and being in the Image of God, plus the working of the Holy Spirit on the sinner, no one can say that God is not able to touch the life of a sinner
effectually before salvation. When people say this, they are suggesting that God the Spirit is
ineffecutal and does not have the capacity to convict and convince the sinner of impending judgment.[John 16:8] Why would God reprove the sinner of his sin if He had not touched the human heart/life? Why would God remind sinners of a righteous God if they did not clearly understand Him? Why would God point to a future Judgment if the sinner could not fathom the concept. The truth is humankind is enlightened and alerted to their rendevous with the Living God when their lives are over here.
This should be more than enough to persuade someone with Calvinistic leanings that indeed the Lord does touch the human soul, before the sinner says yes to God, and then is regenerated and adopted into the family of God.
Do I hear a witness to the truth?
God lights each human being with the light of His Being [John 1:9] so that we are not only born in the Image of God, [James 3:9] we have a conscience that knows right from wrong. We are told not to curse another human being because we are of such an intrinsic value that God forbids that we do this.
Notice you never have to prove to a small child that Jesus is their Friend. They intuitively now this. It is only as the years pass that the sinner begins to destroy his or her conscience. This is not the fault of the Lord but of the human being.
So with being enlightened since birth and being in the Image of God, plus the working of the Holy Spirit on the sinner, no one can say that God is not able to touch the life of a sinner
effectually before salvation. When people say this, they are suggesting that God the Spirit is
ineffecutal and does not have the capacity to convict and convince the sinner of impending judgment.[John 16:8] Why would God reprove the sinner of his sin if He had not touched the human heart/life? Why would God remind sinners of a righteous God if they did not clearly understand Him? Why would God point to a future Judgment if the sinner could not fathom the concept. The truth is humankind is enlightened and alerted to their rendevous with the Living God when their lives are over here.
This should be more than enough to persuade someone with Calvinistic leanings that indeed the Lord does touch the human soul, before the sinner says yes to God, and then is regenerated and adopted into the family of God.
Do I hear a witness to the truth?