Pastor Larry
Had I gotten here before Ken responded, both posts would have been gone. You guys need to learn not to mispresent it. Calvinism does not believe that God is forcing or manipulating. We do believe that God loved the world. I know that disappoints you because it takes away one of your arguments. Guys, it simply isn't true so move on.
It is very difficult to tell if you are simply shutting down discussion without any interest in allowing a POV that differs with Calvinism on this one point - or if you have a genuine interest on some part of it and would tolerate discussion.
God's Word claims that "God so Loved the World that He Gave His only Son" - and that He is in fact "The Savior of the World" - "The Atoning sacrifice for Our sins and not for Our sins only but for those of the Whole World".
You claim that Calvinism accepts the SAME "whole World" concept of the Arminian point of view that accepts it without modification. You claim that it is awful that any Arminian would think that Calvinism's God is NOT so loving that Same WHole World that the Arminians see scripture claim He "So Loves". You claim that These texts all apply for Calvinists in just the same way as they do for Arminians who find them to teach that God so Loved the World, is the atoning Sacrifice for that WHole World that He loved - the Same world that fell into sin and the Same ALL that he Draws unto Him - ALL the WHOLE world.
So if it really IS the same- then you are right to say that Arminians should stop saying "there is a Difference".
And I would be happy if you could prove it - because I would love to discover that to be "Common ground". (Odd that it did not come up as common ground on the "common ground" thread on this subject area).
But if there IS a difference - why not allow the discussion?
Arminians refer to that (God so loved the World that He GAVE) idea as unlimited atonement. Is it really your position that the Calvinist view is the "same" only uising the word "Limited Atonement"?
Or do you argue that God loves the World but then dies as the atoning sacrifice for the much smaller "WHole World" while still loving the real and much larger "World"?
Are you really going to argue that God DOES care about and Love and die for and Draw "ALL men" - the Whole World - so that Arminians and Cavlinists are saying the SAME thing - only using different "Limited/unlimited" terms?
I would not think so - yet you keep objecting to the idea that there IS in fact a difference. UNless you are claiming that He loves the real World so that in fact He dies for them - an Atoning sacrifice for their sins just as for ours - please state it.
In your view - IF God "Loves the Whole World" did Christ DIE as an Atoning Sacrifice for trhe "Whole World"?
IN your view - IF God "Loves the Whole World" does He Draw "ALL men"? Are ou arguing that this is the SAME for Calvinist and Arminian views and object to anyone saying that the two groups view this differently?
Feel free to define what it is you object to - using specific details regarding the topic.
I have stated what I believe Calvinism to teach - in all sincerety - that God DID NOT die for ALL - for the WHole World because in fact He only makes an "effort" to save those He cares about.
The fact is - HE knows full well what is "required" to save a lost human - who is totally depraved. ONCE He chooses to Love them He expends effort and DIEs for them -
and provides ALL that is needed to REALLY reach the depraved lost soul. And He claims that in fact He loves the WORLD and is the atoning sacrifice for the Whole World - do you really deny that, or do you accept that this is in fact - the Whole World?
IF so - then I understand why you might complain that anyone would think otherwise.
In Christ,
[ October 09, 2002, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: BobRyan ]