The more I see the manifestation of TDS as exhibited by some on this board the more I appreciate the peace that comes from trusting in Jesus!!
The big O was anything but satisfying to me, BUT I never had such venom toward him as these TDSers.
If I had to describe the emotion seething from the TDSers, it would be pure unbridled HATE.
All I have seen are accusations that are either lies, OR assigned motives to actual actions; absolutely zilch that would hold up in a true court trial where actual evidence is required!!
I would strongly suggest to those who claim to be Christians, to bring your problem (POLITICS) to Him and allow Him to calm your soul and clear your emotions.
I don't have any problem with disagreement with T's policies/actions, but the garbage that usually follows is nothing but slander, and negative emotional responses.
C'mon folks, turn your hate over to Christ and let Him give you that peace that passes understanding.
I went through this same thing back in 2000, and a young man where I was having PT told me, "Don't worry about it, God is still in control."
Politics has not bothered me since, even through 8 years of Obama!!
Just remember proverbs 21:1.
Keep in mind that you can disagree with actions/policies WITHOUT having to gin up excuses to hate!!!!