The idea of a State Church is quite ancient, but it is definitely anti-Christian. It leads to Bishops and Archbishops baptizing, as it were, the policies of the state. At the start of WW1, the religious hierarchies in both Britain and Germany were busy declaring that it was a just war and that God was on their side. Shades of Bob Dylan!So far in Russian history, there have been two Tsar Vladimirs. Mr. Putin, I believe sees himself as the third one.
Many here have called him a Communist. He is not. A better take is he is a Russian Nationalist who believes in autocratic rule from the Moscow Kremlin. He does not want to reassemble the USSR. He wants to reassemble the Russian Empire. Yes, he has abandoned the militant atheism of the CPUSSR. But he has replaced that with an adherence to the Russian Orthodox Church, Turning Russia into a sacralist state on the lines of RCC dominated Spain or Italy.
So God is on the side of Russia against Ukraine, and if any Russian Christian dares to disagree, he makes himself an enemy of God in the eyes of his Church.
And yes, I know I live in a land with a State Church. There was a time (1688) when English dissenters were so relieved to see an end to overt persecution that they were content to live in the shadow of the Church of England, but now, the sooner it goes the better.