HP: This is an interesting point indeed, as God does create us in His image with capabilities of yes, determining what is sin ‘to a degree.’ Sin is determined by many factors, including what we know to be true and the abilities we possess.
The Bible says:
Sin is missing the mark; falling short of God's holiness, God's glory, God's perfection (Romans 2:23)
Sin is any transgression of the law (1John 3:4)
Sin is when one knows to do good and does it not (James 4:17)
Sin is clearly defined by the Bible. How stringently one applies those definitions is up to the individual, especially as it is applicable to parents and children. In today's liberal society which is against discipline, corporal punishment of any kind, sin is pushed in a corner and ignored for the most part.
I remember a child (around the age of one) who had to be taught and disciplined, not to play with the "buttons" on "everything" in the living room (TV, VCR, clock radios, etc.) Anything and everything that had "buttons" fascinated him. That "fascination" had to be dealt with. He needed discipline even at the age of one. He had to be taught that playing with certain things that were out of bounds was "sin." And he learned that fairly quickly. What does the Bible say?
Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
--What is the Hebrew word for "child"?
Strongs says:
ren na`ar nah'-ar
from 5287; (concretely) a boy (as active), from the age of infancy to adolescence;
Use the rod of correction from the age of infancy to the age of adolescence. Why? Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child.
What may be sin to one may not be sin to another.
Sin is sin. See the Bible verses posted above.
I would not coin us as ‘gods’ but we have been given freedom by God to be the sole cause of our moral intents. In that sense we indeed do have the ability to create in the realm of formed intents It is due to this ability that we are justly responsible agents, properly held accountable for our intents and subsequent actions. Why DHK uses this God given truth, although truth only in a limited degree, as a sword against Webdog is beyond my understanding. It is an unjust charge.
If one sets their own standard, rather than accepting God's standard that all have sinned, then we rationalize about sin. HP will readily say that a one year old cannot sin, while DHK affirms that disobedience to his parents was indeed sin. So we have set ourselves up as gods determining for ourselves what is and isn't sin, instead of allowing God to be the Just Judge of all sin, as he has declared all from birth onward sinners. Then we don't have that problem do we? If the child does wrong or sins, but HP doesn't believe it is sin, then wouldn't it be wrong to punish him. This is the liberal thinking of the day, and why there is no discipline any longer today.
HP: Here again DHK is trying to establish a point to refute Webdog’s position that in no wise is true nor does it refute Webdog’s position in the least. No one can tell another at what age they reach the age of accountability. God alone knows and it differs due to many factors. The actual age is unimportant. The fact that there is such an age is the important factor. It is a flat out misrepresentation of anyone I have ever read to claim they know at what specific age sin occurs. The second charge by DHK is totally unfounded and as such unjust.
The fact is that all are sinners from birth. To hold in one's hand the power to declare one innocent and one a sinner according to a random age is quite arrogant. All are sinners from birth onward. Who made you a judge over all? How do you get to be god and determine who is a sinner (according to age) and who is innocent (according to age). It is amazing that a human can determine that which only God knows.
HP: DHK acts as if though it is wrong to determine “who is able to understand to sin.” Now that sentence is not completely coherent to me, but I would assume DHK is saying that no one is able to understand when one sins. He again says that if one takes Webdogs position that one is setting themselves up as a "god" by doing so.
This is from the child's point of view. If the child is not a sinner from birth, then at what age does he realize what sin is, and at what age does he realize he has become a sinner. This "realization" will have an eternal consequence, so it is an important question. In the mind of HP and Webdog it is very random and there is no set standard; no absolute. But with God, there are absolutes. We can rely on the promises of God. I would rather rely on God and his promises than the philosophy of HP for my salvation, or the salvation of my children.
It is God Himself that grants to man understanding and wisdom and the necessary elements of moral agency which includes a conscience that indeed does testify to us what sin involves and when we violate the principles of love.
Before one can get saved he must first understand that he is lost. David understood his lost condition was from his birth onward. He had it right.
If DHK has a problem with that well understood fact, he needs to take up that issue with the God that created us and gave us those intuitive natural abilities requisite of moral agency. Again, just as the first two points by DHK, the third point is simply as hollow as the first two.
The holiness of God vs. the sinfulness of man are not hollow points. They seem to be things that you ignore.
HP: Now DHK points to his unproven presupposition of original sin as if though if we lay the charge of sin on our Maker,
This is your absurd accusation. I never said that.
Even the old English grammar books (McGuffey Readers) said:
"In Adam's fall; we sinned all."
--Our sin is passed on by Adam not God. You believe it is passed on by God? Or someone else said that? You are deceived!!
and lay all the absurdities original sin implies at the feet of an Almighty Wise and Just God, that somehow that settles the issues he has raised. That indeed makes for a simplified theology in some ways, but one that will land its followers in a maelstrom of confusion, even as we have witnessed for hundreds of years by those following hard after the system of theology first formed by Augustine and developed by Calvin.
You are so badly deceived.
1. You know that I have told you I am not a Calvinist. In fact I have refuted many of his teachings on this board.
2. I have never read the teachings of Augustine. Your statements are false accusations, and frankly I tire of the same old, same old, etc.
3. Your accusations in your post above is nothing short of blasphemy, and I should report it to the administration myself, shouldn't I. Why do you accuse God of evil, HP? Why?
No DHK, the problems will never be solved by laying the absurdities of original sin on our Just and Wise Creator God.
Then why have you gone and done that? Not so smart are you?