Well-Known Member
Mr. Snow,
Your past positions in threads tell me you are more of a moderate than a liberal. I have seen several instances where you did not automatically take the far left position, and in fact, sometimes agree with the more conservative viewpoints. In this case, you have to admit something is wrong.
I was a hugh fan of Richard Nixon, got to shake his hand, and voted for him. As time went on, and all the facts came out, despite the witch hunt by the press, I came to believe he got exactly what he deserved for abusing his Presidential power and the Constitution.
As Salty pointed out, no one died in Watergate. There are several deaths in this case, and the full truth deserves to be heard. I cannot understand why this is a liberal-conservative issue in the first place. In the end, Nixon was brought down by conservatives like Barry Goldwater.
Well said S/N. If the democrats have a Senator with the fortitude of Goldwater it may be Ron Wyden of Oregon who replaced Senator Packwood. As a Representative I considered Wyden a far left person. Since his election as Senator he has on numerous occasions acted in the best interests of the country. He joined Senator Paul in pushing for a response from the White House on the drone issue, even helped out a little in the filibuster!