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Sore Subject: Has President Bush turned his back on his base?


New Member

I'm not a dispensationalist in the traditional Scofield nee' Lindsey nee' LaHaye mode BUT....

I have another thought.

I may be giving Bush too much credit on this, but he has outsmarted his political opponents before so maybe not.

My thesis is this:

1. That Bush proposes the "Road Map" which is basicly Oslo revisited;

2. That in this Road Map, the Pallys get virtually everything they wanted;

3. Hamas et al screw up the road map because Israel still exist which they cannot abide;

4. America is then free to point the finger of blain only at the Pallies for sabatoging the plan.

5. Bush will then have a defense for the charge that he is unfairly backing one side.

In other words, maybe he proposed such a radical plan because he knew the Pally radicals well enough to know that they would undermine it - as they have done before - and thus he was, as someone said, issuing a dead letter for political motives rather than actually risking the existance of a Pally state...and ignoring Arafat becomes the spark that insures the Pallys unwittingly follow the game plan.


<b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>
Perhaps, Will Rain, perhaps. But perhaps it is to try & obtain the Muslim vote.

And let me throw in this -

Someone please tell me just how NUTS this is....

The US supplies arms to Egypt, who in turn smuggles them to the Palestinian terrorists, who in turn, use them against Israel. I just googled & came up with this:

U.S. Arms to Egypt:

Arms Sales Tables

Congressional Notifications
Country Profile

From the Camp David peace accords in 1978 until 2000 (the latest year for which figures are available), the United States has subsidized Egypt's armed forces with over $38 billion worth of aid. Egypt receives about $2 billion annually--$1.3 billion in foreign military financing and about $815 million in economic support fund assistance --making it the second largest regular recipient of conventional U.S. military and economic aid, after Israel. In 1990, the United States also forgave $7.1 billion in past Egyptian military debt in return for Egypt's support of Operation Desert Shield. In addition, Egypt receives excess defense articles worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually from the Pentagon. The announcement that 23,000 U.S. troops will be based in Egypt to conduct biannual military training exercises (Operation Bright Star) may have longer term implications for U.S. aid to the region, as might Egypt's willingness to support U.S. efforts against the Taliban.

Though the 1990s have brought economic improvements, Egypt is still poor, with an estimated 2000 annual GDP-per-capita of $3,600. In 1999, Egypt spent 2.7 percent of its gross national product and $2.508 billion in constant 1998 U.S. dollars on its military.


Arms sales have consistently outweighed regional balance and human rights issues in the U.S.-Egyptian relationship. Defense Secretary Cohen, in defending a 1999 decision to sell Egypt sophisticated Patriot air defense missiles, asserted that the United States had to grant Egyptian requests for high-tech arms because otherwise Egypt “would take it as an insult” and would “seek another supplier.” Yet Egyptian military planners still consider Israel, also a major U.S. weapons customer and aid recipient, to be one of their country’s greatest military threats.

Also disturbing is the fact that the United States’ second largest beneficiary of military aid can be found on the CIA's list of known proliferators, along with Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. According to the CIA’s most recent report on proliferation-related acquisition, “Egypt continues its effort to develop and produce ballistic missiles with the assistance of North Korea. This activity is part of a long-running program of ballistic missile cooperation between these two countries.” The range of these weapons is significant; Egypt could feasibly target all of Israel and beyond. Egypt continues strenuously to deny this allegation, but concerns about Egyptian cooperation with the North Koreans has resulted in a U.S. promise to increase and regularize the monitoring of Egypt's weapons procurement. A 1999 General Accounting Office investigation found that military technology was sold through the Pentagon's Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program in violation of the Missile Technology Control Regime to a unnamed country which has co-produced M1A1 tanks since 1989--most likely Egypt (Foreign Military Sales: Review Process for Controlled Missile Technology Needs Improvement, September 1999, 99-231).

Egyptian arms to Palestininans:

May 26, 2003 in Security of Israel : Security of Israel-West Bank and Gaza

IDF Seizes Bomb Making Supply Ship Headed for Gaza
Hizbullah Involvement Worrisome

A third ship carrying weapons for Palestinian terrorists was intercepted by the Israel Defense Force's naval branch some 40 miles off the northern Israeli coastline on Thursday, May 22, 2003. In a daring operation in which no shots were fired, Israeli naval commandos captured the Abu Hassan, an Egyptian-owned fishing boat, along with the eight people aboard, including at least one Hizbullah operative.
The boat was towed to the navy base at Haifa.

Concealed on the vessel were materials and electronic devices used in to fabricate the explosive vests favored by suicide bombers, the Jerusalem Post reported May 22.

Recalling the interception of two other Palestinian arms smuggling ships, the Karine-A in January 2002 and the Santorini in May 2001, the Abu Hassan had departed Beirut and was headed for areas controlled for the Gaza Strip at the time of its seizure. Israeli authorities recovered rocket fuses and electronic bomb-making components, as well as Hizbullah compact discs containing instructions on how to assemble explosive belts used by suicide bombers.

Israeli experts identified one of the persons aboard as Hamad Masalem Mussa Abu Amra, a Hizbullah explosives expert. Haaretz reported on Saturday May 24 that Abu Mara was supposed to enter Israel from Egypt via underground tunnels. No officials of the Palestinian Authority were aboard the boat this time, unlike the Karine A, carrying a massive load of Iranian weapons and captained by a Palestinian Authority (PA) employee. The Israeli Navy, however, suspects two PA officials, Adel Almairibi, in charge of weapons smuggling projects for the PA, and Fathi Razamof, deputy Naval Police chief under Yasser Arafat, of giving the orders to carry out the Abu Hassan smuggling operation. Both Almairibi and Razam were also linked to involvement in the Karine A incident.

Israeli officials said Abu Amra was taken to the vessel in a Hizbullah speedboat that left Beirut with armed Hizbullah crew members aboard during the early hours of May 20. Abu Amra described himself to Israeli investigators as an Egyptian living in Lebanon and married to a Lebanese woman. The boat's owner and captain, an Egyptian citizen, was also arrested. He is believed to have been involved in recruiting the crewmembers for the Karine A and Santorini weapons-smuggling ships. Haaretz reported on May 24 that the captain said he had been trained for more than a month by Hizbullah, and had been involved in previous arms-smuggling ventures. Six Egyptian fishermen captured on board are apparently not part of the operation, and are expected to be released soon. A day later, Haaretz noted that Abu Amra was not cooperating with investigators, but the Egyptian owner/captain has provided considerable information.

Am I the one that's nuts here or is all that is going on in the name of America with taxpayers footing the bill so EVIL it defies human logic?

Granted, some of this took place under the previous Administration, but IS IT STILL GOING ON?

Not forgetting, of course, that my President doesn't want to deport Muslim ILLEGAL ALIENS! (link listed earlier on this thread) Let alone put the US military on our borders post-09/11 !!

Not to mention that arms used against US troops in Iraq had come from a host of other countries. Can't help but wonder if the US supplied those countries with arms, too. The more I find out, the angrier I get. :mad: