Let me clarify--I was tired when I posted earlier & didn't express myself well.
If the point is, "this stuff can be anywhere," then I agree.
Unless I'm just hearing lopsided press on this stuff, though...I do think that by and large, SBC churches have done pretty much what they could to allow justice to be served.
It does seem like I've seen more cases in IFB circles where the perpetrator was defended, almost blindly, by followers. (the most extreme case I remember offhand was the Bob Gray cas
But then again...maybe it's that I'm just hearing about it more from that circle.
But I do stand by my assertion that in most of the OP examples, the churches handled it as best they could: Most did background checks that came back clean. Most had never heard anything that would have raised red flags before hand.
And unless MW can show me, I don't think one of therm--the most disturbing of the bunch--wasn't SBC anyway. At least, I couldn't find anything to indicate he was.
If I'm right, MW should retract that particular example.