It was requested that rather than continue in a thread where this subject had already been initiated, that I start a new thread. So here it is.
My response:
While I agree that we need to stop funding nations who hate us even that would not began to touch the debt we are in. The things that it would take to correct the debt would take close to 20 years of serious sacrifice and hardship on the backs of the American people and we are just not up to it. To fix the debt the military would have to take a pay cut not an increase. NASA would have to be done away with and all its space exploration. Medicare would have to be dumped, Social Security would have to revert back to how it was set up in the beginning and stop all survivor and dependent payments, all tax breaks would have to be done away with, all government pensions would have to be frozen all money spent on research stopped as well as the wasted dollars on things like PBS, and other organizations. Even more cuts then these would have to happen to fix the debt. There just is no longer an easy fix IF it can be fixed at all. The sad truth is we will experience all this anyway, but when that happens it will not be to fix the debt as we become a like third world nation.
My response:
Total budgeted defense spending is approximately $.9 trillion; budgeted health care is $1.1 trillion, and that's without Obamacare currently in place. Welfare is at $.7 trillion.
So, what military programs do you propose cutting? Or do you just propose cutting the paychecks of the military personnel?