Crazy Love is one of the best books I have ever read and certainly the best I have read this year. The writing style is very simple, personable, non-technical, compassionate, and interesting. This book will rock your faith and challenge you in ways other books (other than the Bible) have not. Chan makes an argument for Lordship in the book and clearly explains why Lukewarm Christianity not the answer. We live in a day where out churches are filled with luke-warm Christians or false converts. Just take a look around and see how many Christians are truly interested in evangelism. Not many.. Or take a look around and see that so many churches are interested in "entertainment evangelism" which means they think that the music, the video games, or the movies will attract people to God and they base their methodology on pragmatism over scripture. What they do not know is that these methods are a great way to produce false converts or Luke-warm Christians. But for more on that subject check out John MacArthur's book "Hard to Believe." Remember that Jesus commanded the church to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15) so this implies that witnessing in your local city, town, or workplace would be just as valuable to Him over someone whom moves to East Africa. Too often missions is heavily emphasized while local evangelism is frowned upon in the church. If you cannot serve overseas due to large debts, physical problems, family commitments, or whatever the reason, then buy yourself some tracts from Living Waters or some other ministry and go and reach your local community with the gospel! Take a look at page 173 and answer the question. What do you want to be doing when Christ Returns? Do you want Him to find you out drinking and spending all your money on video games and entertainment? Or would you rather Him find you out witnessing? I prefer the later.
This book is convicting in that the emphasis on the book is God and glorifying Him. Far too many books these days are written by Arminian that think live revolves around themselves and God serving them, and so they are not all that Biblical. God is the focus of this book (check out chapter 1) and there is so much involved for man to continue to live each day. As Chan states in chapter 2 you are just someone that appears for a short time and then vanishes. So how do you want to make your life count for all of eternity? On page 46 Chan tells a story of a man named Stan whom preached at a funeral and challenged the audience to get right with God before it was too late as God could take their life at any moment. A few minutes later Stan fell over and died and God had taken him after that Gospel challenge. Perhaps some got saved that day.
Contrary to some other reviews this book is not teaching that one must do these things to be saved, but that showing Christ's Lordship and your obsession with Him proves that you are indeed saved, and are a slave of God. This book will rock your Christian life and I would suggest reading it again, and again as I plan on doing. Some other books that are also good and have similar themes as this one are "Radical & Follow Me" by David Platt. Buy those ones as well and read them.