I do not believe that the “image of God” includes a “true holiness and righteousness” that equates to God’s holiness and righteousness.
And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. - Eph. 4:24
It seems clear to me that Paul is saying that the "new man" is created "after God." Paul employs the Greek preposition "kata" which means "according to" or "in keeping with" God. God is a "spirit" and therefore Paul is speaking directly of the character of God in terms of moral values. Moral in the sense of character value of righteous versus unrighteous. Righteousness can only be understood in contrast to unrighteousness as it has no meaning apart from that contrast. Moreover, that moral value dictates conduct as the Bible says "God cannot lie" because the moral values that characterize his immutable nature do not permit that kind of conduct.
However, Adam's character was not immutably confirmed by that same moral value as free will could alter his created moral character value to an immoral character value with conduct that harmonizes.
Paul does not say the image of God includes "a" true holiness and righteousness but "in" righteousness and true holiness as that characterizes God's nature/image. God's nature/image is defined by "righteousness and true holiness" and so is the "new man" which God created.
Adam was made in God's image (Genesis 1:26-27) and the same moral value is conveyed by Solomon when he said Adam "was made upright." "Upright" in scripture is a moral equivilent to "righteous."
Furthermore, Paul speaking on the very same subject (creation of the new man) identifies it with God's image:
And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: - Col. 3:10
In both texts Paul employs the Greek preposition "Kata" which means "according to" or "in keeping with", Hence, the new man is created by God "in keeping with" God's image