I give you credit for listening:thumbs:
I did not like his description of heaven ....although he does believe in heaven.
He just believes it is much more than we picture....he said it is beyond what we picture...it is a different realm beyond what we perceive is what he said.
And I am with you!! HE IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! In the sense that he understands that Heaven is decidedly much more than what we picture as merely a "physical" place, with our mansions and gold and what-not....He GETS!! and rightly so, that Heaven is infinitely more and greater than that. But to feel the need to
DENY those things, and to deny the reality of those things is rather sad: Alternatively, I think he "strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel" If this is your Pastor, I would encourage you to mention this to him, because I sincerely like the fact that he has a deeper and indeed more Scriptural understanding of the (signifigance I will call it) of what Heaven is.....but he denied its physical reality to get there...He is VERY smart, surely, you can challenge him to rethink this? In that he is decidedly outside of Orthodoxy on this point. To many, this is a "fellowship-ending" type of error.
This as an introduction to a series was not meant to be a verse by verse description.
Yes, and I know I was very harsh about his use of Scripture, and I do understand the necessity of some preliminary basic premesis to "set the stage" as it were for his topic....but I am (personally) married in a way to a Homiletical idea I once heard from a Theologian from N.O. Baptist Seminary (Gary Shadix) who: (IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS) impressed upon us that: Preachers should NEVER have a point, and then subsequently use Scripture to prove our point, but rather, we must first pose a Scripture, and THEN base our point upon it.....He co-authored a very powerful book entitled "Power in the Pulpit" He may have been the most engaging teacher of Homiletics there is!!:thumbs: His teaching was so powerful, and engaging, that we refused to allow him to take his lunch breaks, (and incidentally ours) and forced him to continue teaching us way past the alloted time of the class! This was at a S.B.C. Ridgecrest conference...Since then, I am radically changed in my view of proper preaching...and, yes, somewhat critical of those who do not meet the Standard he set for us...
I believe his teaching on why since the fall men cannot perceive God is on the money.
I agree. He is informative and very engaging on this...the way he utilized Acts 17 in his sermon is very good...I look at Acts 17 in a deeper way now...
The beauty of Scripture is that we could read or even learn or preach the same passages over and over and over, and yet, faithfully used, the treasure of Scripture is limitless, and the same passage can (rightfully) and without misuse, teach us more and more...I very much like his exegesis of Acts 17 here.