If spiritual separation from God is synonomous with spritual death, then does not that demand that spiritual life is spiritual union with God?
If that is the case, then how can anyone who is not spiritually dead be without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit without being spiritually separated from God? Does not "union" demand indwelling? If not, then how does such a "union" exist?
Secondly, if spiritual separation is spiritual death would not that demand all who are not in spiritual union with God be without spiritual life?
Thirdly, is there any kind of salvaiton OUTSIDE of Christ? If not, then does not "in Christ" demand spiritual union with Christ? How can one be in spiritual union with Christ but without the indwelling Spirit of Chirst? If so, then how does this spiritual union exist?
Prior to Pentecost Jesus claimed that certain ones had for their spiritual father the Devil - Jn. 8:44-45. Prior to Pentecost Jesus told Nicodemus he must be "born again" or else he was merely "born of the flesh" rather than born from God. Do those born of the flesh prior to Pentecost belong to Satan or God? If belong to God at birth then why should Jesus tell an old Man he needs to be born of God. If they belong to God then how come Jesus told certain ones they had Satan as their "father."?
Do people prior to Pentecost have a different problem then those after Pentecost? Do only people after pentecost need to be born of the Spirit while people prior to Pentecost do not need to be born of the Spirit? Can you belong to God rather than Satan without being born of the Spirit? Why then does anyone need to be born of the Spirit if none before Pentecost need to be born of the Spirit?
What spiritual necessity requires to be born of the Spirit if there was no such spiritual necessity prior to Pentecost? What does regeneration obtain for anyone before or after Pentecost that is spiritually necessary to their salvation if it is non-essential to salvation prior to Pentecost?
I am asking these questions and drawing these conclusions especially in regard to those listed in Hebrews 11 who walked "by faith."
If that is the case, then how can anyone who is not spiritually dead be without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit without being spiritually separated from God? Does not "union" demand indwelling? If not, then how does such a "union" exist?
Secondly, if spiritual separation is spiritual death would not that demand all who are not in spiritual union with God be without spiritual life?
Thirdly, is there any kind of salvaiton OUTSIDE of Christ? If not, then does not "in Christ" demand spiritual union with Christ? How can one be in spiritual union with Christ but without the indwelling Spirit of Chirst? If so, then how does this spiritual union exist?
Prior to Pentecost Jesus claimed that certain ones had for their spiritual father the Devil - Jn. 8:44-45. Prior to Pentecost Jesus told Nicodemus he must be "born again" or else he was merely "born of the flesh" rather than born from God. Do those born of the flesh prior to Pentecost belong to Satan or God? If belong to God at birth then why should Jesus tell an old Man he needs to be born of God. If they belong to God then how come Jesus told certain ones they had Satan as their "father."?
Do people prior to Pentecost have a different problem then those after Pentecost? Do only people after pentecost need to be born of the Spirit while people prior to Pentecost do not need to be born of the Spirit? Can you belong to God rather than Satan without being born of the Spirit? Why then does anyone need to be born of the Spirit if none before Pentecost need to be born of the Spirit?
What spiritual necessity requires to be born of the Spirit if there was no such spiritual necessity prior to Pentecost? What does regeneration obtain for anyone before or after Pentecost that is spiritually necessary to their salvation if it is non-essential to salvation prior to Pentecost?
I am asking these questions and drawing these conclusions especially in regard to those listed in Hebrews 11 who walked "by faith."
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