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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Sherrie, Mar 22, 2003.

  1. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    [​IMG] have fun Jim.

    Say Bill how is Jeanne doing? Better I hope!

    Well I need to mow my yard. This last rain has put my yard over the top as far as the neighborhood. We were going to mow Saturday, but it rained. My house looks bad. That grass is tall. Maybe tomorrow I will mow. Hope it will be dry enough.

  2. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Jim, congratulations on the Syracuse win (I assume you were cheering for them). They completed their sweep of the Big 12 teams: Oklahoma State, Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas. I thought the Jayhawks would easily win this one, but Syracuse proved they were the best team. Now I have adjust to life without basketball and/or football until fall. :eek:
  3. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Hi Sherrie,
    I'm still here. I was wondering what was going on. It took me a while to find the thread that was causing all the contention. People are quite edgy with the war going on. IMO we have (in Canada) a foolish government, especially our leader. He has made a political stand against the war, and yet we have 31 soldiers in Iraq as exchange soldiers, and 3 ships there (officially fighting terrorism)--but they are stationed right there in the Gulf. We are participating more than most of the coalition countries are and yet "we are not taking part in the war." This is our government's stand. :rolleyes:
    There was an anti-war protest rally in front of the legislature buildings just the other day. A man from Red Deer (just south of us) came up just for this rally. He carried an American flag with him and ran up in front of the protesters, protesting the rally. He said, "I had to do something." In favor of President Bush's actions and the American people, he waved the American flag and got more media attention than the hundreds of anti-war peace activists.

    Most of here are very friendly toward the Americans. The anti-American sentiment, from what I can tell, comes mostly from Quebec.
  4. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Did you get more snow the other night DHK? Today was the first day it has not hailed, or rained. We rode out a tornado. Weather was nice then, but afterwards it got cold.

    Rod what will you do in place of no sports?

  5. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    We got just a couple cm. of snow, not much. Tomorrow it is going up to 55. It will feel more like spring.
    I am hoping that we are done with all the "extreme" weather for now.
  6. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Got some damage to my trusty pick-up truck from that golfball size hail the other nite--I went to get an estimate from the body shop--which is owned by a church member--and spied one of my deacon's comin' out the door as I was goin' in(rats! He recognized me!!) He's a "hoot" to be around!!

    He had 3900 smackers worth of hail damage to his truck--his was parked in the church parkin' lot down from mine--I started lookin' for that "brown paper bag" that I always tell Gina and company to breath hard in---

    Anyway, my tomatoes look like they made it--I did notice that at least one plant took a direct hit and may not, though--I need to check on the corn comin' up--I didn't "hip" my rows up to plant the seed--sorta left the rows flat--much to my regret--anyway--

    SAY!!!! Did I get any sorta "Board" warnin' of that storm system--I distincly remember rsr blabbin'(in known tongue) about some silly snowflake a couple of weeks ago--but nothin' about tornadic wind and golfball size hail--I was just mindin' my business at a Deacon's meetin'(they've got to "police" the preacher!!! HA!!) after Sunday nite church--and--"WHAM!!" it hit!!!

    Today, the insurance adjuster comes by--lookin' at damage to church structure---and the carpet cleanin' man will come to dry out the carpet that got wet--the wind was whippin' the rain horizontally--straight through the cracks of the double doors--nothin' anyone could do but watch till it was over---

    and we've got termites in another part of the old existin' buildin'--I called the termite lady two weeks ago! She said then, "I'll send somebody right over!!" Well, that was two weeks ago! So I call her back--she says, "We're swamped with calls! We'll get to ya fast as we can!" I tell her, "Shucks! No need to hurry, M'am! I'm pretty sure those termites are just finishin' up with dessert and coffee by now!!"

    A big chunk of hail went through a window pane here at the parsonage--busted it! I asked my boy (before I knew it was the hail that did the damage! "Boy! Did you throw a baseball through that window this afternoon when you were outside playin'?"---"Noooooo, Daddy!" I mean, I wanted to get that out in the open! If it were my boy who busted the window--I was gonna take it out of his allowance or somethin'--but since it was hail damage . . .!

    See ya'll later! I probably won't post no more today--at least till late tonite--can't tie up the phone line today--those adjusters and termite people may need to call before they come!!!

    Your Southern Baptist preachin' buddy!
  7. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Funny! That the first thing I do. When somethings wrong...seek the kids first...ask questions second. hahahahaha!


    DHK....Jim....New York....More spring snow in the northeast!
  8. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Ok...I have been upset for the last 4 days. so last night I went in the bathroom and screamed and then went and got some scissors and I cut my hair. I am mad at myself now. I know guys will probably not understand. But I really have to tell somewhere.

    My hair went passed my back to almost top of my bottom end. Now it goes to below middle back. I cut off probably 5 inches or more.

    Ok, when I was a kid, when I would get upset I would chop my bangs all the time. I do not know why, but I have alway done this. Usually someone is there to say don't.

    Now I am amd at me.

  9. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Morning uhaul......we had a little snow overnight, but just a dusting...the turf will soon reveal the grass it shelters. Won't be long before I charge the battery and get the garden tractor running.

    No vegetable garden this year, but loads of flowers..in the hothouse, ready to be transplanted.

    It will be interesting to see how many sunflower plants come back this year. I have 3 acres of them..mainly to feed the birds and the deer......yes, the deer feed off the sunflowers...I was surprised too! Did you know that sunflower plants reseed themselves? I didn't know that either until a few years ago.

    Hey, I was almost ready to drive to Syracuse last night after Syracuse took the National Basketball CHampionship,,,,,Yea, Syracuse...see, there is always hope for the underdogs.....I think they were given an 11 per cent chance of winning.


  10. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    It is 38 degrees F today and I just saw some snow flakes falling. There were just a few of them, but definately snow. I think there is also a freeze warning for tonight. GO AWAY WINTER IT IS SPRING!!! (Don't tell blackbird, I doubt it will make it to Wesson and I would hate for him to panic.)
  11. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Hi Rod...I heard it is suppose to snow here too. Your right...go away winter.
    Its Sprrrring!

  12. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    OK, blackbird I checked the weather channel website just to be safe. Looks like you should be getting rain and no freezing temperatures.

    Today Apr 08 Showers 66°/39° 60 %
    Wed Apr 09 Partly Cloudy 55°/34° 0 %
    Thu Apr 10 Mostly Sunny 63°/40° 0 %
    Fri Apr 11 Mostly Sunny 70°/45° 20 %

    (This was not a Sherrie approved forcast. For details concerning the weather in your city and how it will affect your crops, please request an "official Sherrie forcast".) [​IMG]
  13. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Sherrie, I am sick of snow and cold temperatures. It HAS to end soon.

    My wife had very long hair when she was younger. She cut it short when the boys were babies, but now it is a few inches past her shoulders again. I haven't seen her cut it in anger, but she has cut it and then regretted cutting it a few times. [​IMG]
  14. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    No.....Rod....I will now hand over the magic weather rod to you! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Blackbird....he is all yours now! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

  15. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Hey, Blackbird,

    You need to listen to rsr when he talks about the weather because we send that kind of weather out of Oklahoma as fast as we can. It usually travels up I-44, but sometime turns and goes I-40 and south.

    Hope you get all the hail damage taken care of.

    We run out AC one day and the Heater the next.
    The Heater is on today.
  16. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Rod these last 4 days have had me so fusterated. You know like you want to fix something, and can't no matter what you do. And so I guess I just got stressed out. My kids were like, whats the matter. I just screamed. It really felt good too. Felt stupid afterwards tho. But then I have been feeling really stupid lately anyway.

    So I guess I get this nervous fusteration in me, and no one to vent to in this 3D life, and I saw the scissors....and I said..... oh yeah come to momma. So I Went right in the bathroom and said "oh I guess I wil trim my hair." and the next thing I was crying and cutting. Well I did a good job. That much to the good.

    I think of all the time it took me to grow my hair too. Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wish you could lose weight like you can cut hair. hehehehehehe!

  17. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    So Betty this cold weather is all rsr and your fault. Hey lets send it to Jim or DHK. They love the cold weather. ;)

  18. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    That sounds like here, and sometimes we have to run the heater in the morning and the AC in the evening. I am sure the utility companies love it.
  19. RodH

    RodH <img src ="http://humphrey.homestead.com/files/Rod

    Sep 5, 2002
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    I 2nd that motion, all in favor...! [​IMG]
  20. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Hey, I don't know what you all are complaining about. It's 55 degrees, a beautiful day in the sunshine. It feels a lot warmer than that when you get out there in the sun. Coudn't ask for anything better. [​IMG]