Think Progress shows a photo which is obviously, for ANYONE who’s ever watched football.......not taken during the anthem. But you are not left, uh uh, no, not a bit, not ever.
Then you show something from 2010. 2010. 2010. This type of editing is a daily occurrence on msm.
Did you find the ‘meltdown’ presser to be authentic yesterday? You know, when the three stooges rushed out to the cameras to do their schtick? All planned. In the meeting, Trump passed out paperwork on what they were there to discuss. Pelosi never looked at it, but turned it over on the table & smirked at Trump. That was the beginning of the dem performance of the day.
Well unlike the Foxnews events, the Syria attack actually happened.
As for yesterday. Yeah man, it’s almost like they are disgusted at a monumental foreign policy disaster. Imagine that! Democrats aren’t the only ones. Republicans and especially the military are irked about Syria. Only sycophants are rushing to defend because obviously that’s what’s more important here right.