I think there is a much bigger thought,
That is nice, however, it may be a source of extremely sharp misunderstanding.
Just exactly what you are saying can throw off what I believe God would have us to understand, there.
I can not be sure what else David Kent sees in the rest of the chapter, but rest assured that I see The Consummation of The Age and The One and Only Second Coming of Jesus, in Judgement, IN THE CHAPTER, but NOT IN THESE VERSES.
It is astounding the percentage of commentators and teachers and most people that have not arrived at the 'dividing' of these Words of Jesus that I will say, but I believe they stand up to "rightly dividing" them.
99.999% is the approximate percentage of anyone, anywhere, that DO Not divide them like this:
Matthew 24: 4-14:
Jesus Answers the Disciples question in verse 3b, (first question)
"Tell us, when shall these things be?
(Jesus Answers regarding the Period of Time, PRIOR, to A. D. 70 and the Distruction of The Temple He had just mentioned.)
Matthew 24:15-35:
Jesus Answers the Disciples question in verse 3b (second question)
"... and what
shall be the sign of thy coming,... ?
(Jesus Answers concerning His" Coming" in Providential Judgment,
[ in Permitting The Roman Army (the eagles) to distroy The Temple and Jewish Economy of Temple Worship, there (the carcuse)]
that He and Daniel call, "The Abomination of Desolation")
Matthew 24:36-51:
Jesus Answers the Disciples question in verse 3b: (third question)
"... and what
shall be the sign......
of the end of the world?"
( Jesus Explains The Consummation of The Age and The One and Only Second Coming of Jesus, in Final Judgement).
It is all in there. Just like that.
Let it be in there. And it is.
Van started us a 'list of Hermenutical Principals' on that thread.
One that I know that pertains perfectly to dividing the chapter this way is a 'Hermenutical Principal' called,
"it fits like a hand in a glove", within each verse, the chapter, the Book of Matthew, and the rest of the Bible,
perticularly, two other 'extremely difficult' Passages for
Most INDIVIDUALS, from Daniel 7 & 9, and Revelation.
David Kent gave you as Fantastic hint toward unraveling the Message from God, in Matthew 24, if you don't allow your 'thinking' to overwhelm that hint and next to BE SURE to make the correct turn and right division at Matthew 24:36.
This will allow the Hermenutical Principal of One Interpretation for each Passage in The Bible, i. e., no such thing as 'double interpretation', or 'double fulfillment of prophecy', etc.
Again, try not to 'think' you see 'more', or 'anything' in any of them, if it can be better to see something else Jesus is actually Saying.
"I think
that I think I see more..." etc., could be the death nail to The Divine Interpretation.