Sorry, but the Pastor does not "work for the Elders."
Fine, then don't cry about it when the "elders" cease desiring to pay him. If he works for God, and it is God who called him to perform that role, than God shall take care of him. But, you are worried that these "elders" won't. If he doesn't work for
them, than it isn't
their responsibility to pay him.
You might not be aware of this, but the Pastor holds a role of leadership.
What does "leadership" have to do with anything?.........O.K. so, if your young man is such a gifted "leader".....then why is it you seem concerned that he can't convince the congregation to follow him?
Here's a hint: the "leader" is the person that people
ACTUALLY follow. Not the one who demands to
BE FOLLOWED. Whoever it is that the congregation is following is the leader.........not your compadre, he just wants to be.
If the Elders are the Pastor's "employers," then perhaps it should be they that do the preaching.
Or, they could can him and get someone else to do the job. "Employers" don't do the work, they pay people to do the work they don't want to do or can't do. They can't do it or don't want to do it. So, they pay someone else to do it.
How about I reverse the scenario on you:
If your friend needs this pay-check so badly, then why doesn't he go out and earn it from someone who
WANTS to pay him for his work?
If your friend isn't performing said task to their satisfaction, than they have no requirement whatsoever to continue paying him.
You present a rather secular viewpoint in my opinion of the leadership roles in the Body.
It is
PRECISELY a "secular" viewpoint I am presenting......and do you know why? Because admit it or not, it is a "secular" scenario, and also it is secular worldly and material "lucre" and "mammon" that you are concerned about for your friend. I don't doubt that he is the most well-meaning and Spiritual one in the lot of them.......but, in order to win this scenario and actually
help the Church he is in.....there is one sure-fire way to do it. I've seen this scenario (everyone who's been a Baptist for more than a decade has) and it's to stop relying on "their" money to do it. Like it or not, there is a reality to that situation. And that is, that their money is in charge of that Church. And for as long as your friend is beholden to it, than it will remain that way.
I would bet this much:
If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that your concern isn't for that church or it's Spiritual's for your friend's financial security. Deep-down, IMO....I think you know I'm correct in that. Guess what? As long as that is the concern that YOU have for him, it's the same concern that these insufferable old codgers have too. I am being realistic. I've seen these scenarios turn around before................and usually, it involves a man who doesn't need their "secular" money to do it.
Again, this presents an image of running a business, which is precisely one of the problems in certain fellowships.
It is, and you are correct..........but you are acting as though it isn't "business" that you want for the CEO of that company. But, your concern, I repeat, is
PRECISELY for "business" for your friend. You want the board to pay him for a task they aren't comfortable paying him for. Ask yourself.....does God REALLY desire that scenario? and whose job is it to "lead" them out of that? I can tell your friend how, in a second, to fix's to stop taking their money. Know what'll happen? The codgers who run the show will either repent or eventually leave (because they are likely carnal anyway) and then new blood will begin pouring into that church. And it will be people who
sincerely seek to follow God rather than these old thugs who merely desire the "preemininece" among them. Then guess what?
Within about two years.......there will be more than enough people who
love that man and
DESIRE to give him a fair recompense for his labour then they will vote to pay him a good and fair wage. Seen it before.
You can pray all you want for an improbable scenario. But God's not likely to do it.
I will stick with all we have comes from God, which includes the funds that members are moved to give.
Me too....but God uses human agents to dole out his providence, and that's what you want done here. And it isn't a pay-check from the sky you's a pay-check from "Old-Dead Baptist Church"
No, not really. That is a secular approach that has no basis in scripture.
I am willing to bet the money that you desire for your friend that a whole
LOT of the assumptions you make about the Pastoral staff of New Testament Churches isn't strictly Scriptural either my friend........Traditional, yes, "Scriptural"?? NO. By way of example... your friend is the "elder"...those codgers are just old goats.
It denies God as the source of supply and inserts a board as the leadership.
The board IS the "leadership" around there, or does this scenario not exist? I mean, does your friend really "lead" the situation? I don't think he does, or this discussion would not exist. That's his failure to lead.......not their failure to follow.
More likely He will rescue the man of God from their untoward and godless behavior and practice and write Ichabod over the church door.
Not if Scripture is to be believed. The same scenario existed for the Apostle Paul and rather than "get rescued".....Paul responded (oh so counter-intuitively) by getting himself a job.
If you and your friend truly cared about those people, and not the fatness of his wallet, or the wealth he can extract from those Spiritually defunct people, he could try the counter-intuitive tactic of not relying on their lucre and then see what kind of revival might occur there.
This is hilarious. You got this from my post? lol asserted it, as in, "I" this corporation of one said it......not you.
Yet you create slander against this fellow.
And what then, is it precisely that you are doing to these "elders" about whom you speak?? HUH? You, sir, are as guilty of "slandering" them, as you think I am of your compadre. Are you not?
And I can tell you this as well: I will put this young man against just about anyone I know concerning doctrine, as he is about as solid in his theology as anyone I have ever come across.
I don't doubt you for a minute.
What are you talking about?
His not being able to demand any money from the flock he is pastoring, if you read me correctly.
You do not view being a Pastor as a "real job?"
It depends. It always does. I sure do know a
LOT of crusty old "pastors" who out-lived their usefulness decades earlier who won't for the life of them give their job away, nor the pay-check they extract for it.
Then again, there are also Godly men who labour selflessly and continually in the word who are under-recompensed as well.
BOTH scenarios are real. I truly don't doubt for a minute that your friend is the latter either, as you suggest.
You are seriously confusing the issues here. You are talking about two different things.
I am sorta.....I am aware that I equivocated the various meanings of "feed".....and that what I posted wasn't "literally" the intent of those passages. I was borrowing the phraseology to make a different but similar point. Perhaps that was bad dialectic.
Here is a verse for you to consider:
1 Corinthians 9
King James Version (KJV)
..........Note the last verse HOS, it is the Lord that ordained this...not the elders. are correct AGAIN! :applause: What you have blithely failed to consider is that Paul's response to that VERY SAME church's failure to support him is PRECISELY what advice I am giving now. Paul GOT.. A.. JOB!!You said that you wanted God's man "rescued" from that scenario......but, that isn't what Paul's response was. Paul wasn't "rescued", he got a job and that's Scripture. Take that truism, dry it out, cut it up, flavour it, then tamp it down into your pipe, and subsequently smoke it.
The Pastor has a Boss, to be sure, but it is not his role to kowtow to elders steeped in tradition. It is his duty to feed the congregation in spiritual things, and this I can assure this young man does.
I don't doubt it. As did the Apostle Paul, and when carnal men didn't recompense him fairly........he got himself a job.
Again, you confuse two different issues, one spiritual, one carnal. When you can properly distinguish between the two as taught in scripture, perhaps you might understand the post you have responded to. post knowingly was equivocal, perhaps that was not the best way to make my point. I understand it for sure.........I just should have expressed it better.
Shepherds minister spiritual things, those ministered to minister carnal things, that is, the things by which the minister lives by.
Of course......Paul wasn't a "Bishop" or a "Shepherd" in that sense either.........he was a missionary. So, strictly speaking, the only men who have a "right" to expect payment, are men willing to leave the comforts of these United States and the cozy offices they work from. Your friend isn't a Missionary. You will nowhere find in the Scripture nor early church history that the pastors or bishops of local assemblies derived their living from that position. Missionaries did.......not Bishops.
God bless you too.