This thread needs to refocus upon the Scriptures and quit the huge speculations and posting of videos.
Nothing doing. I intend to do exactly what I have been doing for nearly three decades and I WILL EXPOSE the works of the devil whenever and wherever it is appropriate to do so and in whatever format I am permitted to do so.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians. 5:11 a command, not a suggestion.
The Greek word 'reprove' is which means literally: to confute, admonish:--convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove ...and that is exactly what I and my fellow counselors have practiced through the years. This includes all Christians including you, dear friend. We are to face evil and eliminate it from the hearts and lives of whoever is afflicted
First, for the believer, Paul was VERY specific as to what the believer should use to defend against the enemy:
Seems to me that these are the weapons in which believers are to use, not some vocalizing or claiming or naming. The weapons of our warfare are not that which can be found in a video or some audio recordings.
Nonsense. You have a lot to learn just like Baptist Believer.
Second, the whole world is the playground for the spiritual forces of wickedness.
That's true.
There is no righteousness in claiming some "ground" as holy or unholy.
Did the mighty men of David fight to take back the ground from the Philistines and their giants? Yes/no?
Did the Hebrews destroy the strongholds of the devil as they took the promised land from the pagans? Yes/no? You know the answer to these things.
2 Corinth 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
The pulling down of strong holds is OFFENSIVE, not defensive, just like it was for Joshua.
We are to do the same thing in the spiritual sense of the word. I burn, trash, smash (sometimes with hammers) the objects of evil we find in the homes and/or upon the persons who have occult or pagan objects. This action was commanded in the Old Testament and N.T. believers did this as is seen in Acts 19:11-19.
That is God's business for this world is His creation. We may ask through "all prayer and petition" but the cause must be for the furtherance of the Gospel (as Paul continued in Ephesians 6 to show).
Quite. That is what we do. We've seen many souls saved through the gospel in this ministry.
Third, the Scriptures are clear that messing with the demonic world and what is of that world is not to happen. The OT explicitly states that one who does should not live. There should be no tolerance among believers for even entertainment that engages or references the demonic much less seeking out cause to engage.
Incorrect. We don't 'seek out' the evil. It comes to us in the form of people who are harrassed by evil spirits and they are terrorized and want help. I will not fail to extend the hand of Christian love to such people. If they want it they shall have it.
Fourth, the believers are not invited into the warfare of the heavenly. The believer is not charged with doing battle with the demonic.
That opinion is wrong. Read what I just told you, please.
The weapons of the warfare given in Ephesians are each defensive, not offensive.
Wrong again. David ran after Goliath(I Samuel 17:48) and brought him down while the frightened Baptists (ahem! Isrealites that stood behind him did nothing but watch from the hillside until he chopped that giants head off.) I don't have time to sit and listen to the cheap critics and shallow thinking Baptists who point a critical finger at those of us who are ready to bring down those giants and strongholds that are afflicting the poor people in need of help.
They are given to protect the believer, not to go forth into the battle. The King (Jehoshaphat) was told, "The battle is the Lord's" (2 Cor.) As the believer "goes down" (or goes about) they will often encounter opposition, but "the battle is the Lord's." The believer is to put on defensive armor: truth, righteousness, peace...
No, it is both offensive and defensive depending on the circumstances. Joshua didn't sit and wait for the pagans to cross the river to attack the Hebrews. HE WENT AFTER THEM. But you are welcome to sit there in your little comfy zone and feel good about your inaction.....friend.
Fifth, The sword is not used by the believer, but by the Spirit.
The Bible, the Word of God is the sword and that sword we are to use against evil whenever the Spirit who is called upon by the believer...the active, obedient believer.
The believer is to take with them the Scriptures, not as some might carry about a bible, but have the Scriptures at hand in the heart and in the mind. The Scriptures are not some tool for emergency use, but are a continual cleansing, continual shelter, continual rock, continual presence...
Tell me, have you ever cast devils out of someone under total demonic control? Have you ever fought devils that brought terror to a family in a haunted house? Just curious.
Readers of this thread, it is not the physical manifestations of evil that should alarm, such things are but for show and tell times,
Baloney. Your answer to my last question should tell us a lot.
And did not the Lord Jesus state, "...I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
What further need of the believer than that which the Scriptures provide for defense.
Go tell that to the poor pastor mentioned in the OP who is being terrorized by devils.
Certainly, it is time to put foolish notions of demonic manifestations aside, and present the sufficiency of the Lord.
Again, nothing doing. I will expose them again and again as long as the Lord gives me breath and the strength to go on. So will my like-minded comrades.
Battling some evil manifestation is not found in some verbiage expressing some command or demand.
Like Baptist Believer you don't really know whereof you speak. Except for the scriptures you quoted most of what you said is shallow fluff. I ask you to not reply, for I do not wish to continue debating with my brethren, most of whom do not have biblical views of spiritual warfare and deliverance from evil. You may, however, answer my question about casting out devils and if you ever helped to cleanse a haunted house.
Nonetheless, I wish you well.
This thread needs to refocus upon the Scriptures and quit the huge speculations and posting of videos.
Nothing doing. I intend to do exactly what I have been doing for nearly three decades and I WILL EXPOSE the works of the devil whenever and wherever it is appropriate to do so and in whatever format I am permitted to do so.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians. 5:11 a command, not a suggestion.
The Greek word 'reprove' is which means literally: to confute, admonish:--convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove ...and that is exactly what I and my fellow counselors have practiced through the years. This includes all Christians including you, dear friend. We are to face evil and eliminate it from the hearts and lives of whoever is afflicted
First, for the believer, Paul was VERY specific as to what the believer should use to defend against the enemy:
(You quoted Ephesians 6:10-18)
Verses I have preached from countless times and used in helping those oppressed by Satan with great success in many lives in the last 28 years. God's power to defeat the enemy is amazing.
Verses I have preached from countless times and used in helping those oppressed by Satan with great success in many lives in the last 28 years. God's power to defeat the enemy is amazing.
Seems to me that these are the weapons in which believers are to use, not some vocalizing or claiming or naming. The weapons of our warfare are not that which can be found in a video or some audio recordings.
Nonsense. You have a lot to learn just like Baptist Believer.
Second, the whole world is the playground for the spiritual forces of wickedness.
That's true.
There is no righteousness in claiming some "ground" as holy or unholy.
Did the mighty men of David fight to take back the ground from the Philistines and their giants? Yes/no?
Did the Hebrews destroy the strongholds of the devil as they took the promised land from the pagans? Yes/no? You know the answer to these things.
2 Corinth 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
The pulling down of strong holds is OFFENSIVE, not defensive, just like it was for Joshua.
We are to do the same thing in the spiritual sense of the word. I burn, trash, smash (sometimes with hammers) the objects of evil we find in the homes and/or upon the persons who have occult or pagan objects. This action was commanded in the Old Testament and N.T. believers did this as is seen in Acts 19:11-19.
That is God's business for this world is His creation. We may ask through "all prayer and petition" but the cause must be for the furtherance of the Gospel (as Paul continued in Ephesians 6 to show).
Quite. That is what we do. We've seen many souls saved through the gospel in this ministry.
Third, the Scriptures are clear that messing with the demonic world and what is of that world is not to happen. The OT explicitly states that one who does should not live. There should be no tolerance among believers for even entertainment that engages or references the demonic much less seeking out cause to engage.
Incorrect. We don't 'seek out' the evil. It comes to us in the form of people who are harrassed by evil spirits and they are terrorized and want help. I will not fail to extend the hand of Christian love to such people. If they want it they shall have it.
Fourth, the believers are not invited into the warfare of the heavenly. The believer is not charged with doing battle with the demonic.
That opinion is wrong. Read what I just told you, please.
The weapons of the warfare given in Ephesians are each defensive, not offensive.
Wrong again. David ran after Goliath(I Samuel 17:48) and brought him down while the frightened Baptists (ahem! Isrealites that stood behind him did nothing but watch from the hillside until he chopped that giants head off.) I don't have time to sit and listen to the cheap critics and shallow thinking Baptists who point a critical finger at those of us who are ready to bring down those giants and strongholds that are afflicting the poor people in need of help.
They are given to protect the believer, not to go forth into the battle. The King (Jehoshaphat) was told, "The battle is the Lord's" (2 Cor.) As the believer "goes down" (or goes about) they will often encounter opposition, but "the battle is the Lord's." The believer is to put on defensive armor: truth, righteousness, peace...
No, it is both offensive and defensive depending on the circumstances. Joshua didn't sit and wait for the pagans to cross the river to attack the Hebrews. HE WENT AFTER THEM. But you are welcome to sit there in your little comfy zone and feel good about your inaction.....friend.
Fifth, The sword is not used by the believer, but by the Spirit.
The Bible, the Word of God is the sword and that sword we are to use against evil whenever the Spirit who is called upon by the believer...the active, obedient believer.
The believer is to take with them the Scriptures, not as some might carry about a bible, but have the Scriptures at hand in the heart and in the mind. The Scriptures are not some tool for emergency use, but are a continual cleansing, continual shelter, continual rock, continual presence...
Tell me, have you ever cast devils out of someone under total demonic control? Have you ever fought devils that brought terror to a family in a haunted house? Just curious.
Readers of this thread, it is not the physical manifestations of evil that should alarm, such things are but for show and tell times,
Baloney. Your answer to my last question should tell us a lot.
And did not the Lord Jesus state, "...I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
What further need of the believer than that which the Scriptures provide for defense.
Go tell that to the poor pastor mentioned in the OP who is being terrorized by devils.
Certainly, it is time to put foolish notions of demonic manifestations aside, and present the sufficiency of the Lord.
Again, nothing doing. I will expose them again and again as long as the Lord gives me breath and the strength to go on. So will my like-minded comrades.
Battling some evil manifestation is not found in some verbiage expressing some command or demand.
Like Baptist Believer you don't really know whereof you speak. Except for the scriptures you quoted most of what you said is shallow fluff. I ask you to not reply, for I do not wish to continue debating with my brethren, most of whom do not have biblical views of spiritual warfare and deliverance from evil. You may, however, answer my question about casting out devils and if you ever helped to cleanse a haunted house.
Nonetheless, I wish you well.
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