Except we were supposed to be on "Ignore," as you claimed we would be. Since you don't have to take everyone off "Ignore" to look for new persons, your story doesn't add up at all. Moreover, you've been criticizing people who are allegedly on ignore this whole time. You're saying one thing and doing another.
Our attention has been focused on responding to the faulty allegations and your poor theology for the benefit of those who may want to follow this discussion. Beyond your name-calling, you have said some things that just are not scripturally valid - and checked out of the conversation - so I have gone back with scripture and responded for the sake of others.
So you have demanded answers to the questions below, yet I am also going to be on ignore? And you accuse ME of being "double minded!"
Actually, I was just puzzled as to why you "Disliked" the words of Jesus. I did not propose a theory. If that is really your view, then there is not reason to "Dislike" that post. Would you like to try again?
I have assisted those who are demonized. (For those wondering how I knew, they were speaking lies about me tied to enough truthful things that they would have no way of knowing - especially in the pre-internet days. Moreover, there was stuff flying around the room - off shelves and floors - coming at me in an attempt to frighten me.) I have evangelized them, but on the two occasions where I was knowingly dealing with someone who was demonized, they WANTED to be demonized because they believed they gained power from it. According to the leading of the Spirit (and the teaching of Jesus - Matthew 12:43-45), I left them in their current condition because they were not interested in following Jesus. And yes, I was speaking to the real person, not one of the demonic cohabiters.
You seem to have a specific thing in mind and I suspect that however I answer, you are going to condemn it since you dislike it when I simply quote Jesus, but I'll give you a quick overview:
I have commanded demonic forces to leave many locations and they did so immediately. I have dealt with demonic visual, auditory and physical (shoving, choking, pressure, things moving) manifestations, and caused them to cease and expelled the demonic. I have also successfully evangelized those who were involved in self-styled satanism. There's more, but that should be enough.
I did not go looking for any of this and don't get any sort of thrill out of it. Moreover, I also understand that a person who is used of God as the proxy for God's power and redemption is nothing special. In fact, you don't even have to be a mature Christian to be used of God in this way since the power of God to do these things has nothing to do with you.
However, I had friends with very similar experiences during this season of open warfare develop these "demon buster" complexes where they seem to forget that the power comes from God and that it is not "worked up" or given because they are someone special.
In my opinion, persons who like to talk about this stuff have their priorities messed up. The only time I even talk about it is when it comes up in Bible study and someone asks me a question about it (for instance, "Are demons real or are they mental illness?"), and then I only tell as much as necessary to answer the question, except to say that I've had some experience dealing with that stuff and if an issue ever comes up I am happy to help - then I drop it because God is rarely glorified when people spend their time worrying about the demonic realm.
Your claim to authority on the basis of your alleged experiences is faulty. Any faithful Christian with the scriptures has enough information to know what he or she needs to know about spiritual warfare. And you sir, have demonstrated that you don't actually know the scriptures very well in this area. You have made a number of false claims that have been refuted. You have also demonstrated quite a bit of paranoia about the demonic with your insistence that demons were keeping you from responding when we had the issues with the BaptistBoard server during the weekend. Now I realize that there IS that kind of harassment - and I have experienced it - but simply assuming it is true without considering other options tells me you are seeing demons under every bush.
I believe you HAVE had explicit encounters with the demonic, probably more than I have, since you exhibit the kind of erratic and disoriented spirituality that comes from dealing with that stuff without enough grounding in the scriptures and the feeling that you must have special powers since no one else you know seems to be dealing with it.
I have been hard on you because you are in a position of influence and are attempting to teach others things as a pastor that are based more on popular culture than the scriptures. Your congregation deserves better. BaptistBoard deserves better. Your family deserves better. Jesus deserves better.
And you can be better.