Got plenty like that, Adam! My oldest son earns twice as much as I ever did and that is without all the extra perks he gets! My mom is 80, almost deaf and blind, I have a brother who invented something that is making him a millionaire, a sister who is not speaking to me because I am so 'religious', and another sister who has found 'inner peace' in eastern mysticism. I have a seventeen year old daughter who wants everything and a seventeen year old retarded son who wants nothing but more time with his purple Barney. That is just a start!
Here's what I do, since we are distinctly NOT wealthy:
lots of breads, cookies, and fruit baskets for almost everyone. Gift certificates to favorite stores or calling cards for those who are poor. Funny stuff for those who are rich, or just something really pretty along with the breads and such. Food for guys. Always food for you guys!
And this year I have collected from all over the house (literally) the zillions of pictures taken through the years and I am making each of the kids a s****book of their lives so far. This not only gets rid of some of the accumulation of pictures, but it lets them anchor themselves a bit as their adult futures are taking over.
Plant some spring bulbs in a pretty dish and stick a pansy in for the wintertime for some of the women if you like. Fresh flowers in the house are always lovely.
Your big present to someone special? Or to everyone? Tell them, and mean it, that you will be praying for them at least once a week through the coming year, specifically and earnestly. Then make yourself a prayer calendar and stick to it. That is the "mostest and bestest" you can do for anyone.