Glad that college did something right for once.
I had to take a dumb class in University about stress management. It was a bunch of manbabies and feminists in a metaphorical kumbaya circle talking about how stressed they are, and how hard college life was, and their microaggressions.
Eventually I couldn't stand it and told them "My great uncle climbed Point Du Hoc under German fire on D-Day, my Great-grandfather invented the Foley Catheter, one Loyalist ancestor invaded Massachusetts in the Revolutionary War and burned half the state down, my great-great grandfather crossed the Vermont border in 1840 after his family began starving in Quebec, my Great X10 Grandfather sailed across the Atlantic in 1620 as a Priest's helper, eating hardtack and spoiled food to survive and then became a trapper, and all y'all bunch of sissies in this classroom are whining about how hard you've got it because your professor didn't use your preferred pronoun? You're all spoiled and don't have a clue about how hard life is."