But they seemingly were of the truth before they visibly departed from it.
Are you trying to say, in your still obscure way, that the Reformers and most Christians of that era who became Protestants were not Chrisians? If that is what you believe, you're all wet. And as a believer you should not only know but actually appreciate Church History. You have piggybacked on the labors of the Reformers and don't even recognize it. You should feel grateful to your spiritual forebears --not animosity.
More nonsense coming from you BJ. Your blessed KJV was penned by paedobaptists exclusively. Aren't you aware of the irony of your words?
"A large portion of modern translation is done by pedo-baptists." Can you cite documentation for that absurdity? There are indeed some but not the majority. And since the KJV, as I stated previously, was done by only paedobaptists --your are displaying a quite conspicuous double standard.
Who is a Christian or not is not for me to say. The Lord knows them that are His. Christian used to mean a follower of Christ. Baptism of infants is not following Christ. This has been part of the schism since day one. Salvation by works is another gospel. There is only one gospel.
I do appreciate Church History, especially the Book of Acts, which gives a very clear pattern for soteriology and ecclesiology. Scriptural history is the only reliable source, certainly not New Advent Enyclopedia.
There is an abundance of information which indicates the so-called reformers had a certain distain regarding the anti-pedobaptists, even more than their mother. True Baptists are not connected to Luther, Calvin, etal, nor the holy see, in fact, quite the contrary.
Indeed the KVJ in its several revisions and editions was produced by the Church of England, paedobaptists just like their mother. They chose not to translate baptize but rather to transliterate the word which means to immerse, dip or plunge. Their doctrine was sprinkling of infants, obviously not the right mode for sure. It was also the wrong motive.
Is it not amazing how the Holy Sprit bears witness to the Truth, even with a questionable translation? The KJV is still the best English rendition of the TR, IMHO.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Bro. James