Listen very carefully. I've told you this once before and you didn't listen the first time. Please listen now.
Yes, suicide is a sin, ....but .....
Sorry, this verse is not about suicide. It's about the holiness of the church and fleeing sexual immorality and divisions.
Paul is talking to the church at Corinth. He has heard some distressing news about the church that is allowing some serious sin to take place in it’s membership and he has received news about the church growing factions or divisions.
He is writing to them to warn them to rid themselves of immoral practices and to stop the divisions and fighting.
In chapter 3, where your quote is verse 17, Paul starts by saying that there are divisions in the church because they are fighting over which mortal man they are following – sort of like preacher worship. They were following Cephas (Peter), Apollos, and even Paul.
He goes to say that everyone has a different job. Some plant the Word. Some water. Some reap the harvest so to speak. But EVERYONE is part of the same body working together and divisions are sinful.
**Important: In verse 9, Paul says to the church that they (we) are God’s “field” and God’s “building”. He says that people build their works on that foundation and that some people’s works and ministries will shine before God like precious jewels and other’s ministries will burn up like hay on a fire.
THEN Paul says in verses 16-17 that”You (You all)” are the temple of God and that God dwells in “you (you all)”. It’s a plural idea. The church is made of the membership of the body and each individual AND the church as a body constitute the Temple of God.
He is talking about the church - the people, not the building.
When he says that anyone who “destroys” the temple that God will destroy, he isn’t talking about the following:
• Not the individual physical body of a person
• Not the literal Temple
• Not suicide
• Not a person’s ministry
He is talking about people who destroy the church. Divisions, false teachings of acceptance of immorality, and basing their religion on which mortal man to follow were literally killing the church in Corinth.
He concludes by saying again that they CANNOT boast in knowing and following himself, Peter, or even Apollos. All good men doing God’s work.
But these men aren’t Christ. The church, Paul says in conclusion belongs to Christ and Christ to God.
The church in Corinth was “destroying” itself from the inside out.
He is talking about not allowing destructive teaching and practices into the church.
Specifically the church at Corinth, but in general for all Christian churches everywhere.