This is from 1 to 2 decades ago, so it's even worse now.
- Most students are first exposed to pornography starting at 9 years old in public school via "technology devices" the school had, which were laptops and PCs. Many classmates would lookup stuff on google images with safe-search off. I recall one image seared into my mental retina of a black student looking up a lady named "Penny" on google images who had her entire body out. This was all allowed to happen because public school teachers on the whole don't give a rats rear end about their students. This was over two decades ago, so it's far worse today I'm sure.
- We received "sex-ed" documents and movies at 10 years old thru 13 years old (5th thru 8th). I got to see all kinds of lovely cartoons depicting genitalia and what fun activities and "positions" you can do. One pamphlet had a cartoon woman kneeling in front of an erect man. Need I say more?
- Our sex-ed teacher when I was 13 was a woman who liked other women, and who promoted that as normal. She enjoyed telling us how much fun sex could be. After some monologuing about this she explained how to put on a condom with a banana. What fun!
- We had a "Gay-Straight Alliance" club in High School that had gay days where they would prance around the school in gay getup with rainbow flags. This group was allowed to run special commercials during our High School's "News" segment each day promoting their little group while holding hands and hugging. Fortunately my JROTC Colonel who served as a C-130 pilot in Vietnam didn't let that junk fly in his classroom so we had a safe space to escape that garbage
- In my junior year of High School, at age 15, I got to see a rated R movie with female nudity all in it. It was great. Nothing like a bare breasted woman plastered onto the cinderblock wall via projector in my History & Genocide class.
Bonus segment:
My wife taught Kindergarten in Public School for a couple years. Her kindergarten team consisted of 4 teachers, including her, plus the 4 TAs. Everyone except her made each and every one of their students fill out pronoun tags so they would know how to be addressed. She had to take "Allyship" trainings about how to affirm gay students and how to ask a "gender fluid" kindergartner their pronouns. She asked the administration at the school something along the lines of "Surely you're kidding. This cannot be Kindergarten curriculum". They told her it was, and she needed to be more inclusive.
Of the four kindergarten teachers, two absolutely didn't care at all about their students and just gave them busy work. Since it's almost impossible to fire a public teacher they got to keep their position for decades.
Oh and one mustn't forget how to broach the subject of gender identity to your kindergarten students. The training program my wife went through emphasized how to avoid microaggressions, flying the pride flag in your classroom, white colonialism's impact on the modern classroom, and more. This training program is one of the main teacher pipelines feeding into our public school system.
I haven't even started on the gang violence, guns brought to schools, students fighting teachers, drug dealing, and the gays making out in the hallways.