Any church worth their weight in salt should be the center of the believers community. Something should be going on every night of the week. Burn that electricity. Let vehicles be seen in the parking lot. Activities for the kids, outside, weather permitting will catch the eye of those passing by.
Church should be the center of the believers community. However, I seems like having something every night of the week is a good way to drive parents of young children crazy and make them resent the church. Families need SOME nights at home to just relax and not have something to run off to.
I'm glad we have gotten so many responses to this...Here's where my church is right now:
We have a normal Sunday morning attendance of 175-185. Our sunday evening service for the last few years was around 25-30. First we moved it out of the sanctuary in to the smaller fellowship hall, and had some good times of teaching & prayer. It was just small. We decided about a year ago to adopt a new policy that basically goes as follows: If we look ahead to the next month or two, and there is a sunday night where we don't really know what we will do (who will speak, or no other special event going on)...then we simply say "NO PM Service" that week. We still end up having something more Sunday nights than not, and end up with 1 or two off each month. (we use sunday night for a lot of different church activities, some cookouts, business mtgs, Periodic prayer services, special programs, missionary presentations, etc.)... But if we don't have anything planned, we decided not to feel guilty to take one off sometimes, esp for holidays and things like that.
So now our weekly format looks like this:
-Sunday: sunday school, AM Service...Possible PM Service or fellowship time
-Wednesday: bible studies split as follows: Kids, Youth, Men, Ladies
-Thurs. morning: Senior adult bible study
--> There are also several small groups that meet throughout the week a different times and days.
Parents with young children seem to appreciate that we are seeking to provide discipleship opportunies without dominating their schedules. I know some of the women get together and do bible studies or just pray on their own.
For our church, this seems to really work well.