To me it was a surprise. I was surprised that a justice Kennedy that leas the other four who made this decision was appointed by a Republican. I am also surprised that over half of Republican Congress people either thought it would come down this way or supported it come down this way. What a disgusting party. I would expect it from Democrats.
So now, the Kentucky Constitution defines marriage between a man and a woman. So we the people are forced to take out that amendment based on nine bozos of the SCUSA. This is a sad day for America. I know 37 states already engaged in this, but Kentucky was one of the holdouts, now we must been to the ruling of nine people. To me, this is not a saved or not saved issues. I found this sickening long before I was saved.
Our nation is in trouble, and ask everyone to pray for mercy from the Lord. I doubt any Baptist pastor will engage. Comments from others appreciated. I am very angry. I have been very adamant about getting rid of this and abortion.
You know I always have to look at what we, The Church, are doing. And we've made a royal mess out of marriage for one.
But this is once again The Church getting off focus. We've been commissioned to do one thing. But our focus is always on the issues instead of our Commission.
So once again God uses the SCOTUS to slap us beside the head.
These issues are a distraction. While we're getting upset and mad and everything else because the SCOTUS didn't deal with this in a manner that we wanted, we're not focusing on our Commission.
The issues make us into some very unChristlike people because we're too busy trying to fix things here instead of just letting God handle His business. And as we get more unChristlike without repentance over these issues, God has to slap us in the face, upside the head and everyplace else with more of the very things we are complaining about. Why? Because of our lack of love in dealing with people.
We want things right for our kids and grandkids with no regard for the fact that the world has to at some point dwindle down so that Jesus can return.
Makes me wonder if a lot of folks who say they are waiting on the Bridegroom really are?