Well-Known Member
So, according to your logic there is no starting place, no singular sin to start with in convincing them they are sinners in general. However, general sin cannot be proven until you first prove they have sinned singularly!
That's not according to my logic. my logic says, if you in humbleness , humility and love are trying to point someone to Christ, why throw the stumbling block of being confrontational into the mix? People , in general, shut down and will not listen to you if they feel attacked.
As I've said many times before, folks in the evangelical church have pet sins. And using one of those pet sins as a singular starting point to convince someone they are a sinner becomes more about us winning an argument than it does convincing them they are sinners.
God draws people unto Himself. The Holy Spirit convicts. You're not convincing anyone.
Don't you think it would be a bit easier to show them they are a sinner by showing them that they've committed the same sins as practically every other person in the world? Don't you think it would be easier to show someone that they have , for instance, told a lie, than it would be to convince them that homosexual sex is a sin?
Are you trying to point them to Christ or win a political argument?
Try telling people they are sinners in general without providing specific instances IN THEIR LIFE?
Try branding people and making them feel like one particular sin is worse than all others and see how effective you are in pointing them to Christ.
The witnessing of the Gospel should be relational. and the easiest way to make someone understand what you're trying to say when witnessing Christ is to put them on COMMON GROUND with you. You don't stick them on an isolated island of "the worst" sin.
You've told a lie. And you know that they have told lies. WOW. That makes them a sinner worthy of eternal separation from a HOLY God.
Why would something like homosexual sex even enter the topic of discussion? When people focus on these pet sins, it's because they are trying to win an argument and not trying to "win a soul" for Christ.
You ever wonder why avowed atheists, homosexuals, etc will ask Christians what they think about these things? It's because they want to argue. They aren't trying to understand. They are trying to win an argument.
And the church shouldn't fall into the same trap of framing the conversation around pet sins.
According to your logic, there can be no convincing of sin at all, because you deny one can begin with a particular sin to prove they are sinners.
Stop being silly and expressing an opinion about my logic which you are obviously incorrect about. :laugh:
If you cannot begin with a particular sin, you have no basis to prove they are sinners at all. Think about it before responding.
Read the rest of my response. Who in their right mind would start with homosexuality? That's about arguing and winning. It's not about pointing anyone to CHrist. There are much easier approaches to do that if that is your intent.
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