Adjuvants...... substances added to a vaccine to jump start the immune response in the human body..... are restricted or permitted by country.
There has been reports that the US will have the adjuvant "squalene"..... but only an aluminum based adjuvant is in the vaccine with which the trials are being conducted ...... and one source I read indicates that squalene will not be allowed here...... the same source then says that it is possible that it will be approved after successful completions of the trials for the vaccine due to its potential to stretch the supply of the live virus vaccine: I.E. it takes less prepared virus load to get an immune response.
The problem with some adjuvants ...... and squalene is suspect with insufficient data regarding this potential..... introducing a substance into the body which vigouously triggers an immune response can work so efficiently that it confuses the body's own natural recognition of its cells and proteins and results in chronic conditions and autoimmune disease which are not reversible and difficult to control: Some European countries already plan on allowing the squalene adjuvant in their vaccine if it means they will have sufficient supply for their people. The FDA in the US may allow it here if it decides that this is the only way to expand the supply of vaccine.
Some authorities are requesting the the WHO readjust its criteria for annoucing a pandemic. Most people would think a pandemic had much to do with a combination of factors to possibly include the ease of spread person to person and difficulty to contain, the difficulty and cost of treatment, and the response to treatment with death tolls or permanent disabilities. Currently, the main factor which triggers the WHO's status in sounding the pandemic alarm centers around the chief factors of when and where did the disease occur, and how quickly it spread to locations which indicate an international spread and uncontained outbreak. At first there was much alarm over the deaths. However, since following its spread, it seems that deaths connected with infection is influenced by a number of factors ..... some of which have to do with the health practices and status within the population. The maturity of one's immune system appears to also be a factor..... and the elderly may actually be (generally) less susceptible to infection as their bodies, already the recipient of years of exposures to flu and other viruses and bacteria and immune response, are quicker to recognize and throw off a viral attack. Of course the natuaral slower immune response in the elderly, for those who get a loading dose of virulent exposure and who have no natural immunity retained.... may not recover or have complications if infected.
It is difficult to separate the truth from the hype regarding this epidemic and the vaccine.
Personally I hope to avoid the vaccine and trust the immune system God gave me to respond successfully if exposed or infected. As I live in the country with better than 500 feet between neighbors on either side..... it is my intention to try to reduce exposure to crowds and limit contact during the height of flu season. I may add supplementation to regular diet of vitamin D3, ascorbic acid (vitamin C)..... both in several doses each day of 1000mg, reduction or elimination of all concentrated sweets, and drink plenty of fluids. If an infection develops, my home care will consist of maintaining fluids with supplements of salts (cycle altenate potassium with sodium ..... and maybe add calcium/ magnesium and zinc) to replace electrolytes loss in sweating and occassions of naseau, vomiting or diarhea...... monitor fever advance...... and try not to interfer with natural fever response unless it reaches 103%..... as some fever is connected with healing and limiting the multiplication of bugs causing the disease. I think it is each person's responsibility to determine what is their best course.... and while there is time to examine and learn what we can.... to use this time to prepare and include prayer for God's guidance in our choices and decisions.