Well-Known Member
I would admit the possibility of a global takeover threat but somehow I don't see the CDC and WHO as behind it. The Neo-Cons admitted that their primary objective was to maintain American world supremacy. An important part of that plan was to invade and occupy Iraq. In order to get American support they saw the need for a "new pearl harbor." The 9/11 attacks served nicely. I see Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Tony Blair (who's up for the Presidency of the European Union) as much more credible threats.
Do you have any real reason for suspecting the CDC and the WHO? What have they done compared to 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq?
One question. What do they all have in common?
They all do their best to SCARE the people to death. And SCARE them into silence, and SCARE them into compliance, and SCARE them into obedience.
I posted this Ron Paul quote in another thread. I'll paraphrase (shorten) it here a tad.
"Foreign policy? SCARE the people to death, great fear! Then you can do what you want.
Economic crisis? SCARE the people to death, then you can socialize the economy.
In medicine? SCARE the people to death then you can socialize medicine." Ron Paul
That's what the "authorities" do best. Do you really think they need you to help them SCARE the people to death, or into silence, or into obedience?
I'm going let you in on a little secret that's hidden in plain sight. What's happening is the, well, let's just call them the "internationalists" want global control of everything. Finances, resources, education, information even the air that you breathe. In order to do that they first have to dismantle the USA, it's civil constitution and the individualism that beats within the heart of every American.
It was no accident that Bush took on us two very costly nation building experiments that we couldn't afford, increased the size of government 50%, reduced our liberties to privileges the government can take away on a bureaucrats whim. Just as the economic crisis and passing hundreds of billions of dollars to the elite who caused it all was no accident. It's no accident that Obama is following Bush's footsteps. Giving hundreds of billions of dollars away to the elite, stretching out Bush's nation building experiments while giving away yet more hundreds of billions of dollars we ain't got to the elite. It's no accident that he favors the United Nations Charter over the U.S. constitution.
You think there are two parties, and you hate one of them and love the other. There isn't two parties. There's one. The globalist party that wants world government. You see it as two factions bickering over which is the best way to get there and you mistake it for two parties with two different agendas. But it's not like that at all. It's like two lumberjacks who want to cut down the same tree. Both of them have ideas of what the best way to do that is but they have the same agenda. To cut down the tree. They'll argue and call names and look for all the world to be working against each other but they agree on the same goal. That tree must come down. One will take a turn at the axe chopping away at that tree until his axe gets dull and he gets tired then the other will take over and start wacking that tree with fesh energy and sharp blade.
That's how the globalist party works. The republicans (#1 lumberjack) will chop away at our constitution, sovereignty and economy until their blades get dull or people get sick of them and "elect" the democrats (#2 lumberjack) who come in fresh swinging their sharp axe blades at our constitution, our sovereignty and our economy. They have the same agenda chop down the tree and the tree they're trying to fell is the USA, it's consitution, our sovereignty and our freedom.
And how do they do that? They SCARE the people to death, they SCARE the people into silence, they SCARE the people into compliance, and they SCARE them into obedience. All the while passing laws to box us in. They steal our wealth and give it away while building up the grandest militarized police force on the planet, and for what? To keep us in line when you all finally do wake up and realize that what I've been telling you from my first post on to this one is true.
They're SCARING the people into thinking that only the "international community" can take care of them.
My advice? Don't get scared. Get mad! We only got this one republic and one constitution don't let these parasites and that's exactly what they are take that away from us. Open your eyes your democratic heros are there to lead down the road to a one world order the same as the republican's heros are there to lead them down the same road. They may take different paths but the destination is same.
Do you really want to go there? Do any of you?
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