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Swiss Cheese Faith/Through The Roof

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by SpiritualMadMan, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Can you show exactly what I said that is indicative of a tactic used by an extreme word of faither?

    I did you a favor. I released you from your deception and bondage. Even if you didn't accept that help... I told you what a loser you were and that should really lend itself to your melancholy temperment. Either way... I did you a favor.

    Either I am right, and you are wallowing in the mire of self-serving interest... or you are right... and I just obeyed Jesus' command to love my neighbor as I am supposed to be loving myself (if melancholy is a right doctrine).
  2. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I agree any extreme section of any denomination (even baptist, catholic, etc) is a cult. I would say that this melancholy doctrine is also a cult.
  3. SpiritualMadMan

    SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I know in whom I have believed...

    I do not need your affirmation to know Whose I am...

    Nor, do I need false materialistic crutches to falsify a purported spirituality...

    I know the Spirit of the Living God...

    He dwells in my heart...

    How do you 'know' me? When did we meet? Can you prove that you know me?

    You are making assertions based on your own preconcieved notions of what a Christian's temperament is or is not...
  4. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I thought that's what we supposed to be doing!!? Isn't that what we are doing?

    Lets see .... you asked a question... I gave you a lengthy response to which your response was that I was a Word of Faith' er and then you proceeded to #1 - put words into my mouth (as you becan attacking the positions you assumed I held as a 'word of faither') and #2 dismissed without response what I had to say, and #3 changed the topic from faith to a 'lets bash the charismatics some more' festival.

    Since I are one, that's pretty rude and hurtful. Instead of listening to my perspective (as I am only recently a word of faith'er) you dismissed what I had to say by association.

    So what did I do? I did the EXACT same thing you have done. I created a false entity (melancholy doctrine/denomination) and I attacked that doctrine and you to see what your reaction would be... isn't it ironic that it was the same reaction I felt when you attacked me for the straw-man fictional characterization you gave me for being a word of faith believer?

    And now here you are, having come full circle to prove my point. It is clear you don't understand the Word of Faith or Prosperity message, and I know that you definately don't know me or what I personally believe - yet you decidedly chose to attack me by attributing your own pre-concieved notions of doctrines to me and then bashing them.

    As I said early on in this thread... Ad-Hominem is a poor substitute for a real discussion - attacking me for what I am rather than discussing what I said (especially when I gave scripture to back up the things I stated) is a pretty rediculous position that carries zero credibility. Now that this has been demonstrated, perhaps you will be more willing to proceed with a two sided discussion rather than childish and rediculous ad-hominem attacks?
  5. SpiritualMadMan

    SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I have been carefully reviewing our posts...

    And, I do not believe I made your claiming to be Word of Faith a 'strawman'...

    You are the one who made that claim (of being a WoFer) in your profile...

    And, every response you gave appeared to confirm that.

    I would not have even bothered to research your profile if I had not felt something vaguely unsettling in your first post...

    There was something about it that struck me as not quite right...

    Whether that was in the spirit or in the sentence structure I an not yet 100 percent positive...

    It was enough for me to want to try to find the reason for it...

    And, though I believe I know what set me off... There is another matter that must be settled first.

    What is more disturbing than any misunderstanding, enmity or dissension, is that you intentionally deceived me in an attempt to cause me to stumble and sin...
    We may have started out on the wrong foot with a mis-communication, but to intentionally goad me in an attempt to make me act non-Christian?

    All that did was confirm my first impressions that you were in fact a rabid WoFer out to attack me like many I have gladly left behind. That did not in any way help communication.

    Had you given me any reason to believe your apology was genuine... It would have been accepted... But, your continued insistence that having a Melancholy Temperament is the same as having Melancholia, IMHO, proves otherwise...

    As did your rather venomous denunciation of my person in the following posts when I failed to roll over...
  6. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    Grrrrrrrr!!! :mad: Now I feel better. [​IMG]

    MEE [​IMG]
  7. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Indeed it is in my profile, however your arguments demonstrated your intense lack of knowledge regarding the specifics of Word of Faith doctrine. It was those mistaken pre-conceived notions that I was attempting to address.

    Unfortunately, you seem unwilling or unable to address any of those responses directly. Instead you have gone about ignoring it and writing off the whole of it without providing reason other than ad-hominem attacks on my denomination.

    I see you spend a lot of time on this board trying to refute a lot of charismatic doctrines. Perhaps it is because I am a charismatic believer that is embodied by the things I write. Yet still, it is an ad-hominem response to dismiss what I say based on your pre-concieved notions rather than directly addressing or responding to the statements made. You are addressing me rather than the content of what I have to say, and this argument has no credibility.

    Brother, you were already "sinning" - I just forced you to examine it. What I did - as I have said - was to mirror your own behavior. What this did was force you to respond to your own behavior... and what did you do? You lashed out. You didn't like it. You felt offended by it. What I did was force you to face yourself and examine your own behavior. It was a bit of a deception, yes... but it was extremely effective as we all have seen. But which is preferred? That I respond in kind to your ad-hominem and the conversation goes no where... or that I allow you to respond to yourself demonstrating your own misconceptions.

    What it really comes down to here is that you knew what you were doing was wrong (the ad-hominem and straw man attacks)... and you did it anyway. This is evidenced by your response to my mirroring your own behavior. You can try all you want to point to me as having decived you... but it does not absolve you from your prior or present behavior. You remain responsible for you and the things you say and do.

    I see you can't get away from it... it's like a broken record that keeps playing the same line over and over... I encourage you to find any statements in my posts prior to your ad-hominem WoF statements which in any way attack you or your MP3 message. In fact, I agreed that your swiss cheese analogy was a good one.

    You seemed willing to discuss my impressions until the point at which I said that Faith comes by hearing (in the continuous present sense) and hearing by the word of God... and that people's faith would be higher after presenting the Word. I noted that you presented your message then put the brakes on corporate prayer at the end of the meeting. Unfortunately at that point you became defensive and started giving me reasons why you "don't like" to pray at that point. It's at that point you checked my profile and decided to start in about my being a Word of Faith 'er.

    I would say that if you didn't want the message critiqued... or if you were not open minded to hear suggestions... then surely you should not have posted your MP3 on this board asking what people thought about it. Clearly you got adjitated and defensive by my suggestion that you should have prayed at that point in the service.

    So then, it was the sin of pride that predicated this entire sharade (on both our parts). Had you simply receieve the suggestion with humility, introspection - or even been willing to rationally discuss it - and not gotten defensive and fealt the need to discredit the suggestion, we could have continued a resonable discussion about it. On the other hand, I could have let the ad-hominem WoF comments roll off my back... but I didn't.

    So I apologize for my own pride in the matter, and ask your forgiveness for my rude behavior.
  8. SpiritualMadMan

    SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Sometimes the only way to win is not to play the game.... :D
  9. MEE

    MEE <img src=/me3.jpg>

    Dec 18, 2001
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    SMM, good choice. [​IMG]

    MEE [​IMG]
  10. SpiritualMadMan

    SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Do you recognize the quote? [​IMG]