yes, hope so. Think about this logically, countries which shut down and hunkered down and have had few cases are in BAD shape going forward, corona virus will be a constant worry for flaring up again and again. But countries that had large numbers of infections develop enough immunity that futures infections wont be bad, and so on for years. Here is another way of showing that. When Europeans came to the Americas, they brought with them their viral diseases for which the native peoples had no immunity and they died up to 90 or 100% of them all over the American continents, however the Europeans having had centuries of exposure were much more immune even though the same disease could hurt and kill them too, they thrived.
So country like Sweden will be in and is in great shape medically and economically and socially and will have dealt with the virus in a sustainable way. But other countries, global travel will always be a major problem. You cant have corona infected people entering because anyone of them could start it up again and again. So what are you going to have, continual cycling economic shutdowns?
These medical researchers have put a lot of peoples hopes onto a vaccine which will give people an artificial immunity which may never happen because there is no vaccine yet.