God's sovereignty is not determined by whether or not you think something is fair. And God's sovereignty cannot be interpreted in such a way that would contradict his other revelation. You have subjected the sovereignty of God to something that your mind is willing to live with rather than accepting the revelation of God about the matter.
IMHO, "doing whatever He pleases" means "doing whatever He pleases." "Whatever He pleases" is ALWAYS perfectly in line with His Holy character. So who am I to question?
All of this assumes then that because something is not fair (but benefits me over others), then it must be from God. When it is shown that scripture contradicts the notion of God getting pleasure of "glory" from creating people for Hell (whether you call it that or not), and how scriptures have to be twisted to support this (Ron 9, faith-as-"gift"), and more unclear scriptures that seem to teach this favored over clearer scriptures that deny it, old cliche's about people's beliefs are rehashed (controlling God, saving self, not letting God be God, [and like WHOEVER SAID God's revelation was about us or not about Him???] etc); and then threads are closed, (and in the past censorship sometimes even threatened), then it becomes clear that even though you all can speak these bold words, your conclusions are not that scripturally defensible as you try to project. These are all defense mechanisms used by those who have crossed a line into the unknowable things of God (His foreknowledge, prescience, eternal decrees, how this interacts with time, etc), and have spoken of things too wonderful for any of us. (Job 42)Calvinism is a Theocentric worldview. It recognizes (in the current words of S.C. Chapman) God is God and I am not. It understands that all of God's revelation is about God and not about us, and his eternal purpose is to glorify himself and not us. We are the beneficiaries of his own self-glorification by being redeemed by the great Redeemer, so all honor and glory go to him and we have nothing to brag about on our own.
Salvation is by God's grace, through his gift of faith to the elect, and not a faith we self-generate. God is holy and righteous and above the judgments of man, how man thinks God should be or act
Just admit this, and that your leaders may have been wrong, instead of trying to accuse others of practically rejecting God. (If all this stuff you say about our views is true, then Outside the Camp, and the Briders must be right!)