Well-Known Member
Poncho, I usually respect your opinion even if I disagree with it, because you've done your research and come up with a plausible conclusion. Even of I don't come to those conclusions myself.
However, I'm disappointed by this OP. The first story isn't even about the police force. It's about "campus cops". The second "story" is pure opinion and sensationalism, and quite frankly, nonsense. Police officers want people to get on the ground because they want to be worshipped? That's insane. I suppose the military wants to be worshiped when an enemy surrenders and is told to get on the ground?
You can do better than this, Poncho. You are letting some of your naysayers drag you down.
I have been pretty tired lately. Been building a house during the day and designing a new software and arguing here at night.
I used to know some cops who liked to be worshiped. It's not that ridiculous.
They're human and they are given authority over others.
Half my family are cops. My brother took criminal justice in college to be a cop and developed a chip on his shoulder so big you could barely see his head around it. Luckily I talked him into becoming a glazier instead.
People that gravitate towards jobs where they are given authority over others aren't always saints. Some of them think they should be worshiped and see a badge as a way to get it. I've known good cops like the one right next door and bad cops that have gone to jail for abusing their authority. The town I grew up (pop 2500) in had a judge commit suicide over a scandal that involved the police.
I had a friend growing up he and I would occasionally swap motorcycles for a day. His dirt bike for my road bike so he could ride with his dad and practice driving for his motorcycle license. He became a totally different person when he joined the Sheriffs dept. He thought I should worship him after that.
Power corrupts. Even in little towns. How much more so in big cities?
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