So i use to be really into conspiracy theory like Illuminati and such and I use to care a lot about what was going on in politics especially when i was lost and in my hippie/drug culture phase:
I am a bit concerned about Baptists and how many tend to spend so much of their time railing on how wicked Obama is, and not nearly enough about admitting how far they fall short of God's glory and how wicked WE are as American Christians, You hear far more about the wickedness of our government than you do about the glory and power of the gospel.
I fear that we spend too much time on our hobbyhorses rather than focusing on our job which is to preach the gospel.
Forget about politics and start focusing on souls that are dying and going to hell, and instead of taking that time to rail on Obama why not spend it praying for revival in our nation?
Forgive me if I may be generalizing or exaggerating but I think you get my point.
I am a bit concerned about Baptists and how many tend to spend so much of their time railing on how wicked Obama is, and not nearly enough about admitting how far they fall short of God's glory and how wicked WE are as American Christians, You hear far more about the wickedness of our government than you do about the glory and power of the gospel.
I fear that we spend too much time on our hobbyhorses rather than focusing on our job which is to preach the gospel.
Forget about politics and start focusing on souls that are dying and going to hell, and instead of taking that time to rail on Obama why not spend it praying for revival in our nation?
Forgive me if I may be generalizing or exaggerating but I think you get my point.