Yes, the Tea Party defends your right to your beliefs .... unless they disagree with you and then WATCH OUT.............. The Tea Party seems to be the HATE party. It sounds like the Tea Party is for death panels selecting Congressmen they do not like.
Tea Party activist Mike Troxel of Lynchburg, VA, decided it would be cute to post what he thought was Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello’s home address on his blog after the Congressman had the gall to vote for the health care reform bill that passed the House of Representatives Sunday night.
But Troxel got it wrong. The address was that of Perriello’s brother, not the Congressman and his actions resulted in vandalism of Bo Perriello’s home in Ivy, including a cut gas line from a propane tank along with an anonymous, threatening note.
Tea Party officials quickly tried to distance themselves from Troxel, the Lynchburg Chapter’s Media Chairman, claiming his actions were his own and not sanctioned by the party but the incident is just the latest example of excess by the self-proclaimed, but phony, “grassroots” operation that grew out of a sham organization backed by a major petroleum and energy company.[/QUOTE]
[quotePerriello's brother attacked after Tea Party posts wrong address for health care protest
A number of federal legislators are under tighter security because of threats they've received since Sunday.
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