Republican or Democrat really does not matter. Hatred, bigotry and advocating violence are unacceptable. However, it is much more of a problem for the GOP as they are associated in people's minds with the Tea Party.
How can you defend their actions and still say you are for freedom for all?
If the GOP stays associated with the Tea Party it will come back to bite them hard in the future. Surely they a loosing many votes from minority groups they tried to woo the last 8 years.
I am against hatred, violence, bigotry and racism regardless of the person's party. You should also! This is not liberal or conservative, it is a moral issue.
You claim to be against all violence, yet you only dwell on what you deem "violence from conservatives." The verdict:
Intellectually dishonest.
You claim to be all about non-violence, non-bigotry, etc., and say "Republican or Democrat does not matter." Yet, you
refuse to ever
condemn behavior of leftists, statists, socialists, or Democrats. Once again, the verdict:
Intellectually dishonest.
You have yet to show
any pattern of systemic violence whatsoever that can be attributed to the R's or the Tea Party:
- You do have accusations, but absolutely no proof (remember--thought you're not honest enough to admit it...there have been instances of left-wing violence at Democratic locations). The verdict: Intellectually dishonest.
- You are willing to impugn millions (yes, millions) based on the actions of a half-dozen (who might not even be Tea Party folks). Are you willing to indict all black people because of what a few Panthers did? (This is where you tell me to stick to the subject, because I just nailed you yet again). The verdict: Intellectually dishonest.
- Multiple times, it's been posted that we believe that folks engaged in violence should be prosecuted. But, because you are dishonest, you refuse to acknowledge that we have said that, and you further accuse folks without cause of being "against freedom for all." Quit lying. We've spoken out about the violence. Now man up, and admit you're wrong. The verdict: Intellectually dishonest.
You, sir, are not against hatred. You lie repeatedly on this board. This belies any statements you make against "hatred." You hate hate "tea party" members. Anyone who is willing to engage in deliberate and consistent falsehoods in order to promote their agenda (and hurt others) has made their intentions, and their character, clear.
The verdict:
Intellectually dishonest.