Sure. I think disagreement to him means you're the one who is wrong. Pointing out some unwise stuff brings an attack of accusations. Quite defensive IMO and somewhat callow as well.
Not defensive. Why am I not allowed to disagree with a person? You are the one getting defensive..."He doesn't agree with me! how dare him"...
Listen, when people criticize the color, I listen, and decide whether that I should follow their advice. I am not going to agree with everyone, particularly when people are disagreeing with each other (you criticized my fonts in the boxes...but most of the feedback I have gotten, has been that the Font is great, different, and am I supposed to discount all of that, for your opinion? Just asking) When you say, "I don't like the yellow" I discount that, because it is purely opinion. Some people don't like yellow. Some people like the boring colors on Baptist Board. Personally, when I am surfing the web to buy something, and I see colors like Baptist Board has, I avoid the site...if the site is plain, and toned down, its just not my style, and the stuff on their probably won't be, either.
As far as the CONTENT goes, I didn't ask anyone for their opinion. I asked about the site, not whether or not a shirt is O.K. I think political correctness and "Hallmark Christianity" is leading to the destruction of modern society. I think people being "offended" at everything, and taking themselves too seriously, needs to be confronted head on. If you don't agree with me, fine. But I am not going to change my mind, just because you tell me to.