I dont understand this thread! What are people so afraid of...is it the Homosexual & a queer lifestyle?
It is the ungodly promotion of deviance. Homosexuality is a sin, a very grievous sin causing terrible damage to people and shortening their lives. It is non-reproducible, therefore homosexuals must attract new converts, and the biggest field for harvest is the young people with hormones raging, trying to figure out who they are. They are very vulnerable.
I'm sure most of them would prefer not to be homosexual because that has to complicate their individual lives.
And I am sure that they chose to be homosexuals, and a very small number of them desire to change.
And no one of our religious persuasion will ever accept them or their life styles as normal.
Well, certainly not Spirit filled Christians, but there are many many "churches" out there that will accept most anything..
Is it that your all afraid children will get mixed messages & become homosexuals? I assure you that if the kids are raised in a bible believing Christian home, then they will know the difference. So what is it specifically that you object to.
I don't worry about kids that are raised in Christian homes.. It is the vast majority of kids out there making their way in the world, that worry me.
...after all homosexuals by law have rights as human beings also but should abide by the norms of society. Whatever they do in their own homes to one another in privacy is their own affair....& and if they want to choose an abnormal & sinful life, how you going to change that.....certainly not by boycotting the Home Depot....that is laughable.
Homosexuals should abide by the same laws as every citizen. What they are demanding are special rights, such as marrying someone of the same sex, but more to the point, they are "demanding" not just normalcy, but the "Right" to promote their deviance in public schools.. Yes.. PROMOTE..
My objections are more focused on aggressive deviant behavior like pedophiles who scar children for life. Those should be identified & locked up for life to keep them away from the innocent. Or they should be surgically neutered.
I think it's been found that neutering them doesn't change much.. They still exhibit deviant behavior..
Those that chose/choose to stay in the closet, and make no demands are still in gross sin, and need redemption, but they did very little harm. It is those embracing these radical demands that have necessitated action in the Church..